"Now don't get any ideas mate. We're just going share in each other's warmth as we sleep." He laughed when he saw me eagerly shift to jump in the bed as is.

"Uh huh! Yeah." I agreed not really listening to him as I eyed my two mates lying beneath the midnight moonlight. Owen nestled himself into Set's right side, gingerly flicking his tongue across his taut flesh every so often before nuzzling his face into the warmth once more. It dawned on me that we really hadn't had any time to ourselves since this whole thing started. Sure we were able to sleep in the same bed at night but we were never really together anymore.

Set opened up his other arm, waiting for me to dive in and who was I to disappoint him? I lay down besides my mate and he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me even closer to him. I breathed in his deep spicy scent and was instantly lulled into a peaceful state of mind. I ran my cheek up the side of his chiseled chest once, then twice before kissing it and closing my eyes drifting off into a tranquil slumber.


My sleep lasted all of about five minutes. Or at least that's how it felt as we were roused from our sleep by a very terrified looking Eva. Her eyes were bloodshot red and the bags under her eyes expressed her lack of sleep.

"What's wrong?" I questioned leaping up from the bed before remembering our lack of clothes. She shrieked and stumbled back as she covered her eyes and cursed us for being a bunch of horny shifters.

"Why? Why wouldn't you have clothes on? The one time I come in here like this!" She shouted as she turned her back on us. A sleepy Owen blushed beet red and practically hid behind Set who was in no mood to be awoken. He growled and rolled over onto his side almost smothering Owen in the process as he wrapped him up in his arms.

"We were in our bed, in our room trying to sleep now what's the problem?" I questioned as I reached for a pair of shorts that was lying on the floor besides the bed.

"My mom visited my dreams." She began with her arm still over her eyes. I reached out and grabbed her hand pulling it down so that we could have a proper conversation. "She doesn't do it often because she's not as good as I am with dream walking. She always said I had a gift."

"So what's wrong with your mom visiting you?" I questioned trying to get her to the point.

"She said that something is going to happen. She overheard one of the guards that keep watch over the witches say that Reynolds has gotten more paranoid and he thinks that you're going to try and take his position away. She said that he was going to attack soon and that he was planning on tacking the women and children to use as an incentive for the men to fight."

"Shit..." I groaned. We hadn't planned on that happening. We just assumed that he'd never use the wolves that he had weakened to attack us. There would be no point in it. Our shifters would simply slaughter every last one of them without even trying. "Why would he do something like that?"

"She says that he's going to move the pack. He plans on taking the women and children and starting a new pack from scratch. He wants to breed his warrior wolves with the women to birth new strong wolves that he can train from birth and he plans on using the children now to start his new army."

"Did she tell you when this was going to happen?" I questioned.

"No. She didn't know but she says it sounds like it's going to happen soon. They're making preparations to move the witches and warlocks soon." She replied which explained her frantic attitude. Her mother was going to be moved and she didn't know where to. If he moved the pack we would never know where he was headed and the chances that we'd find him again were slim to none.

Otherworldly Darkness [Book 5]Where stories live. Discover now