Chapter 2

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I look around and find a nice, plain dark blue shirt with a round neck. Then I look some more and find a pair of jeans that are a light wash of blue. Then I put on some black, simple flats-Kaaren has the same shoe size as me.
When I walk out she is already dressed in dark blue skinny jeans, and a red tee.
"You look nice." She says as I walk over and sit on the black leather couch with her.
"Thank you, you too."
"Thanks." Kaaren gives a cute smile that warms my heart. "Are you all ready to go?"
"Yup." I say getting up and going over to the door.
We drive to the mall, and go into many different stores-it's all so new to me.
Kaaren seems to like the darker colours, but I like both. I grew up not being very picky with my style; wearing a brown bear hide top and deer skin pants with a leather rope wrapped around my arm. It's not really how they dress here, at all.
When I walk out of the changing room with a tank top that is bright purple, and black leggings Kaaren smiles and says,
"I never noticed that tattoo. I've only ever seen it on a werewolf, I wasn't sure if you had yours yet." What did she mean yet? I was guessing it was my wolf paw on my shoulder, I like it. It's different and a marking of my kind.
"What do you mean yet? Aren't all werewolves born with it?" I ask her.
"No. Never that I have known of, only one other person that I know of has been born with it." She says as I sit down, interested. "They are the most powerful wolves ever! They also usually have very distinctive eyes. They are either so dark you think that they are black, or they are white like yours; even in human form."
"Really? My mom never told me." I tell her more interested in her stories. I love to learn about my past.
"Probably because you would be killed if any other wolf knew about it."
"Why?" I say interrupting.
"Because they would, have to bow down to you. Your so powerful that the pack leader would have to kill you, or else they would be dethroned." That's probably who was coming after me in the woods, I think. "Unless you are born as the pack leader's child with the gift. You would probably be killed by a brother or sister if you had one, because you would always out rule them.
"We should really not talk any more about this until we get home. Okay?"
"Do you think that we got you enough clothes for now?" She asks me smiling her warming smile.
"Yes, I'm fine with ten different outfits!" I say sarcastically. Kaaren gives a little laugh.
When we get home, I put away all of my new clothes in the guest room dresser. Is it weird-me calling Kaaren's place home?
Later it was night time and we already ate at the mall a while ago, so we weren't really that hungry.
Kaaren and I lay in bed watching a movie on her flat screen TV hitched up on the wall. A romantic song comes on and she stares into my eyes. Kaaren leans into the mattress, closer to me. And I let her.
She comes in closer, and kisses me. I don't stop her, I embrace her. I kiss her back putting a little tongue in there. She kisses me down the neck and arm, then bites my wrist.
"Is this okay?" She asks.
"Yes." I say back.
Then she sinks her sharp, pointy teeth into my soft skin. I can tell that Kaaren is enjoying it, because she moans at how tasty my blood is. I let out a small ouch here and there, then she stops and says,
"I'm good know. Did it hurt?"
"Not really." I kind of lie, but it wasn't really that bad.
She lays beside me and cradles me in a spooning position.
"Are you okay if I do this?"
"I like it, I feel warm and cozy near you." I tell her regretting my words a little bit.
"Goodnight, Midnight." She says snuggling me by the waist, head resting on my shoulder. I like that, it has a ring to it.
I had no nightmares, not even a dream. And this time I wake up with Kaaren lying next to me, not cuddling but still right beside me.
"Are you up yet?" She asks me slightly opening an eye to see me looking over my shoulder at her.
"Yes, are you? Or were you?"
"I was up a while ago, but I didn't want to wake you." She gives me a kiss on the cheek, softly. I'm still not a lesbian. I think, but I can't shake the feeling of her soft touch on my lips.
We lay there for a while then I break the awkward silence. "So I heard that when you, a vampire, bites someone your eyes turn pure white and silver. Why didn't they when you bit from me?"
"Because your a werewolf, only human blood does that."
"Oh." I let out a small sigh.
"Are you hungry?" She asks me looking deep into my pale coloured eyes.
"Not really, but I should eat something."
"Would you like to try some toast, with jam?" She giggles a little bit.
"Sure." I say getting up, picking out some clothes, "I'll meet you in the kitchen."
I just nod yes.
When I meet her in the kitchen she is sitting down eating her piece of toast.
"Wow!" Kaaren gasps, "You look really good."
"Thanks, you too." I reply.
"I'm not even dressed yet!" She laughs, and I give a smile.
I sit down and eat my strawberry-jammed-toast. We don't talk much the whole time. When I was done with my toast I say,
"Please don't be weird."
"About what?" She asks me.
"You know what!" I almost yell.
"Last night wasn't weird," she sighs "it's not weird to me at least." Kaaren trails off.
"Well I'm just not used to it, I guess." I get up and leave the room.
I walk into my bedroom, and pick up a book laying on my nightstand. Is that weird, me calling Kaaren's home, and bedroom, and nightstand mine? Hmmm...
I sit down in the red chair in the corner of the room. Then I start to read the book, it's called 'A Vampire's Guide To Finding Someone To Eat'. I wonder if that's how she picked me up. When I'm on the second page Kaaren walks in.
"It's not what it looks like." She sighs.
"Oh really? That's just what people say to get out of tr-"
"I'm serious!" She cuts me off snapping at me. "Sorry."
"I just," I struggle to find the right way to say it. "I don't want to get hurt again."
"What do you mean?" She asks me sitting down on the bed, inviting me to come sit with her. I do.
"You don't even know who I am, and you invite me to stay over the night?!" I give her a slight 'I know you read this book' look. "Did you use the book to get me to come with you? Find someone sad and alone, and try to pick them up?"
"No. I saw you, and saw someone worth trying to-" she doesn't finish that sentence.
I cuddle into her chest, and her skinny arms put themselves around me. Kaaren slightly kisses me on the head of my pale-purple-white-blue hair. And I snuggle closer to her smelling the scent of roses again.
"Why do you always smell like roses?" I ask.
"Is that a joke?" She laughs.
"No, I'm serious. You really do!" I giggle with her.
"Well, vampires smell like roses, and werewolves smell like shit." She lets out a small laugh, but then smiling. "I'm just kidding! You smell like waterfalls, and mint, and tulips, and daisies."
"Is that all outdoor stuff?"
"Yes it is. You smell like the beautiful outdoors." Kaaren smiles at me issuing my forehead. "Did you know that only outdoor werewolves can smell like the pretty outdoors? And that human-werewolves smell like nothing?"
"No. Is that because we live mostly outdoors than indoors?"
"Nope. It's because you were born naturally. Meaning your mother was in wolf form when you were born, and that she gave birth to you naturally not with pain killers."
I nod meaning 'I'm so cool I was born naturally'. Then she continues.
"Even if you do all of that stuff, as a mother, but you live in the human world your child is mostly human, not wolf."
"Does that mean I'm mostly wolf?"
"Yes. Isn't that cool to know?"
"Of coarse." I nod, laying back still cuddling Kaaren.
We lay there for about 15 minutes, but then we go out to the living room to watch a movie, again. Kaaren puts in a movie called 'your not too good for me". Nothing that I would watch by the name (or cover), but like I have been able to watch movies out in the forest.
I put my arms around her waist when she sits down. I can tell by her I've-been-waiting-for-you-to-do-that face, that she likes it. Then she asks me,
"Can I have another taste of your blood?"
"Will it hurt?"
"Did it hurt last time?" She questions.
"Just a little." I say back.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes." I say, instantly feeling the itching pain of her fangs biting into my tan coloured skin. The pain wasn't as bad as the first time, but it still hurt.
When she finishes sucking my blood, she asks me,
"Did it hurt more or less this time?"
"Less." I say back to her looking her deep into her eyes.
"That's normal."
The movie starts as we cuddle back up.
I'm still not a lesbian.
I'm not.
At least I think I'm not...

Sorry for the short chapter!
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Hope your liking it.

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