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I jumped onto his back and hit him.
On the back. Head. Shoulders. Everywhere. Knocked on his head too, just to check if there was something there. As expected, you could hear an echo because of the emptiness in his head.

"Stop it chica! You're getting too much attention! If you wanted to be on top you could've just told me!" Jake yelled.

"Uh Tina?" I heard a deep voice ask from behind me. I jumped down to only confirm it was him, Dean.

"Dean! What's up?" I ask ignoring Jake bickering from the back.

"Oh you know watching along with the crowd as you hit our quarterback." He smiles.

"You guys should change your quarterback, you could be it! He sucks seeing as how he's complaining about his shoulders from my weight and I by the way do not weigh that much!" I say waving my hands.

"I'm the captain but I'll keep that in mind, I'll also keep in mind that you dear, are not that heavy." He grins mocking me with his gorgeous face. Wait no, I never said that! His ugly face that's not so ugly.

"Heh, right. I have to go to class."

"TINA! Oh don't you be talking to Dean when you just broke my shoulder!" He snaps his finger in my face as he tries to impersonate the girl from Mean Girls or somethin.

"Oh but I am!" I reply, " What class do you have?" I ask Dean.

"Ap Calculus"

"Great, run" I take his arm and run to class as Jake yells at the top of his lungs.
"You're not a bad runner, you should join the track team." He breathes as we walk into class.

"Not about that life." I whisper.

I then get shocked. Literally. By my freaking taser.

I faint into very strong hands, classic me. Sigh

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