:/Behind These Thick-Framed Glassed\: [Chapter 1]

Start from the beginning

She flung herself at me. Making me stumble back and drop my books. Again.

I sighed, "Hello Nikki."

She pulled back, tears filling her eyes.

She hiccuped, "you're not happy to see me?"

"No! Nikki, I am very happy! Um... I was just-"

Then she burst out laughing.

Right. She was head of the drama club.

"God! I got you good Valie!" She said, tears of joy now filling her eyes. She clutched her stomach and bent down.

"Ugh, why am I even friends with you," I muttered as I picked up my books.

"Um, maybe because you love me? And I was there for you all this time. Oh! And also when you fell flat on your face in front of your junior high crush, umm, what was his name again? Oh! John Harper!"

"I told you never to bring that up again!" I said.

"Ahah, I know."


☁ Cody Jenkins 

"Come on Cody! We'll be late for practice!" My best friend, Trent, called me.

I sighed, "yes, yes. I'm coming."

I grabbed my bag and walked to the gym. My buddies were waiting for me there and they wore huge smiles.

The coach blew the whistle and told us to do twenty-five rounds of jogging around the field, the the suicide drill for the beginning of training.

-1 hour later-

After coach got everyone on their knees, gasping for air, he finally said training was over.

I yelled, "Freedom!!" and raised my hands up and ran to the showers.


"Dude, did you really help that nerd pick her stuff up? Did you also stick up for her? Codes, that is a first from you man," Trent declared.

"So? She's a girl, she's supposed to be treated with respect. At least she isn't like the girls who throw themselves at us. I actually enjoyed her shyness. It was... Cute," I said.

The guys around me all burst out laughing.

"Valerie? Cute? Since when did a nerd become cute?!" Peter, my other friend asked me.

I shook my head, faking it. I said, "You're right. I didn't know what happened. I pitied her, I mean, this is senior year right? She spent her whole high school as a nerd."


I didn't pity her. I actually envied her. I wanted to feel how to be a nerd.

I was honestly bored with high school. The cheerleaders who were always throwing themselves at me, was kind of cheap looking. Annoying actually.

I want to be someone who I really am. For at least one day. To know the feeling of being a complete opposite from the Cody Jenkins everyone expects me to be.

I hated the way the popular people treated the 'nerds'. It was unfair. As if we were the kings if everything.

I wanted to change my senior year.


 Valerie Brooks 


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