My Love

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A side story for In The Basement

Third Person POV

Taking a deep breath, Avery entered Landon's room. He sat on the bed and went over what he was going to say in his head. 'It's for the best. They'll all be fine and those disgusting things will leave him alone,' Avery reasoned with himself. Holding back tears, he ignored the voice in his head telling him that it was a bad idea. He looked up as the door opened and his breath hitched. 'This is going to be harder than I thought,' he thought as he stood up.

"Hey, love." Landon greeted with a smile. Avery tried to smile back, but it didn't work. Landon's smile dropped only to be replaced by a look of worry. "Avery, love, what's wrong?"

"I can't do this." Avery said, his voice cracking as tears welled up in his eyes.

"Can't do what?" Landon asked, his eyebrows furrowed on suspicion.

"This." Avery replied, motioning between the two of them, "I can't keep this up, not with demons being after me."

"So, what? You're just going to break up with me?" Landon spat. Avery flinched.

"What else is there to do? It's the only way I can guarantee your safety!" Avery argued, "I have to do this on my own otherwise everyone I love is going to get hurt or killed!"

"No. You're not leaving me." Landon said with finality.

"Landon, please!" Avery yelled through his tears.

"No, Avery!" Landon said forcefully, "You think you have a handle on things, you think you can do this alone, but you can't! You just can't, Avery!" His boyfriend stood there defiantly and Landon moved closer to him, slowly wrapping his arms around Avery's shaking shoulders. "Let me help you." He said gently.

"I can't." Avery whispered brokenly, "I'd rather be heartbroken and without you, keeping you safe, than with you and have you constantly in danger! Can't you see that?!" He cried looking up at the love of his life.

"That is not your choice to make, Avery." Landon said, moving one arm around Avery's waist and pulling him flush against his chest, "If I want to put myself in harm's way to be with the boy I love, then dammit, I'm going to fucking do it! I'm sticking with you no matter what. To Hell and back, I'll follow you to the ends of the fucking universe if I have to, because goddammit Avery, I fucking love you!" And with that, Landon crashed their lips together. Their tongues battled for dominance before Avery gave in and let Landon have it.

"I'm sorry." Avery whimpered against Landon's lips, his breath coming in short pants from the intensity of the kiss. Landon didn't say anything as he pushed Avery onto the bed and climbed on top of him and in between his legs.

Landon moved along Avery's jaw, leaving open-mouthed kisses as he went, causing Avery to gasp and move his head to the side to give him more room. They both moaned as Avery began to grind his hips against Landon's. Landon grabbed Avery's hips and began to grind harder as he sucked and nibbled on Avery's soft spot.

"Ah! Landon!" Avery gasped/moaned throwing his head back. Landon sat up, taking Avery with him, and removed their shirts before laying Avery back down. He kissed down Avery's chest and latched onto his left nipple, nibbling and biting it, making Avery writhe. Avery's hands went tho Landon's hair, tugging and making the slightly older boy groan softly.

Landon moved to Avery's other nipple, giving the neglected bud some attention and causing Avery tho buck his hips. The lithe male tugged harder at his boyfriend's hair, bringing his head up for another kiss. This one harsher than the last. He pressed his hips into Landon's looking for much needed friction as his erection strained against his skinny jeans. Landon broke the kiss again and licked down Avery's abdomen, stopping at his navel. He looked up to see Avery watching him, his lovely dark blue eyes were practically black with lust and love.

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