I drive to her moms house and the whole time I've been thinking about what if everything goes wrong,I take a deep breath and we get out the car. She knocks on the door and mama Carol opens the door with a big smile.

"Hey babies" She says while hugging us

We greet her and walk in,sitting on the couch,mama Carol sits down acroos from us giving us her undivided attention.

"So what did y'all have to talk about?" She asks

"Just giving you a little update" Nicki says

"Ok,what is it?" She asks

"I have a girlfriend" Nicki says

Mama Carol's eyes get big and she changes her position.

"Well Onika,you know I'm one to judge so I'll accept it,as long as she's making you happy" She says

Me and Nicki look at each other and smile big,hopefully my parents will be ok with it too.

"Who is she?" Mama Carol asks

"Ci" Nicki says slowly

"Are you serious?" She asks as she stands up

"Yea mama,Ciara is my girlfriend" Nicki says

Mama Carol walks over to us and hugs us tightly.

"You guys are good for each other,I'm happy for y'all" She says making me smile

"Y'all should get going,if you wanna tell your parents tonight Ci" She adds

We stand up and say goodbye to mama Carol before getting in the car and driving to my parents house. When we get to my parents house I take a deep breath before getting out the car.

"It'll be fine Ci,don't worry" Nicki says

We walk up to the door and I knock on it,a few seconds later my dad opens it with a smile.

"Hey princess,hey buttercup" He says as he hugs us

He's been calling Nicki buttercup for the longest cause her personality is sweet like one.

We walk in and My mom walks out the kitchen with a smile. She hugs us and we sit in the kitchen.

"What did you want to talk to us about?" My dad asks

I sigh and give them a small smile.

"Just checking in" I say

"Ok,we're fine" My mom laughs

"Come on tell us what you wanted to talk about" My dad says

"You know what,it's getting late I'll tell y'all tomorrow" I say as I attempt to get up

My nerves are all over the place right now and I don't want my parents to make me feel bad about being with Nicki.

"Ci,tell them" Nicki says as she pulls me back down

"Ok" I sigh

"Mom,dad,I have a girlfriend" I say

They stare at me with a blank expression and I think the worst.

"If you can't except the fact that I have a girlfriend I don't care,you can do whatever you want,feel whatever you want,and think whatever you want about me but it's not gonna change the fact that I have a girlfrind and I'm happy" I say before they can say anything

"Princess calm down,we didn't even say anything" My dad chuckles

"Exactly,you weren't saying anything and it was aggravating" I say

"We don't care if you change your sexuality,if you're happy that's all that matters,and you know we're not ones to judge" My mom says

I smile a little,feeling bad I blew up at them like that over nothing.

"Who is it?" My mom asks

"Nicki" I say softly

They look at us shocked before smiling.

"Princess and buttercup?" My dad asks

"Yes daddy" I giggle

"I'm fine with it" He says

"Me too" My mom says

This went well. We say bye to them and head back to my house,when we get there we watch a little TV while laying down since it's pretty late now.

She's so important and everything she does shows me she knows it. They could try to catch up to us but they're too busy making assumptions. All I do is stay up all night losing sleep over her,drive myself crazy thinkin bout my baby. It's the way she walks,the way she talks,the way she loves,the way she fucks,the way she is,she's a star. This thing we got is crazy,never met someone that spoke my language. This is just another step in our relationship.

A/N: Progress.....Love.....Companionship......Next update soon!

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