Need a plan?:

445 19 3

Edited- 20/08/2016.


I felt pressure add as I looked down in time to watch see Tentei fall into my chest, fast asleep. Smiling, I lifted an arm and stroked his hair lovingly. I am scared for him, I really am. I want to be there for him, to shelter him from all harm that the world could throw at him. Oh, why did it have to happen to him?! Of all people?! It is just not fair. People don't know how hard it is going to be to try and help him. Two profiles and they will force him to became Conan once more. He does not remember his real identity. I mean Edogawa Conan doesn't exist. I was afraid that when people look at the records and find out, they could ship him off somewhere- possibly a care home. He wouldn't even why he lied. Poor Shinichi. I wish I was there to prevent him from losing his memories but I know, no matter how badly you want it, you cannot travel back in time and change the past.

I stood up, cradling the shrunken detective in my arms as I went over to the bed and laid him down, pulling the covers up to his chin. While tucking him in, Hattori moved closer to the bed to look at the not child. "Do you think he is going to be okay?" I asked, letting my emotions show. Normally, I would hide any emotional connection towards the situation but I found I couldn't. And to be honest- I didn't want to. I was too concerned for my boyfriend. I love him too much. He was too important for me and everyone that was associated with him.

"You know what is going to happen. Right?" I closed my eyes and sighed. I did not want to think about that. I reopened them and turned back towards Hattori. "Unfortunately. If I don't think of something, he is going to be shipped off to a care home. With Kagoro deemed unfit to be his guardian and it being too dangerous with his line of work for a 'child' of his 'age' to stay around. No parents that were there for them and no memories, they have to put him in care." I sat next to Conan's bed, stroking his hair, "what am I going to do. I can't loose him." It was getting harder to keep my emotions in cheek. I felt like crying my heart out. He doesn't even remember me and when he's taken away- will he even miss us? Even unconsciously? Unless I do something, everything we worked for would be ruined. I could say he's my brother but where is my proof. Conan doesn't have a file for god sake. All they can go on is that we look similar. That is about it and with Shinichi not knowing me, he might not even come willingly.

"You can dress up as Kudo. You do it all of da time! You can come and collect 'im. Nee-chan thinks you, as Kudo, is his cousin anyway." He suggested. I shook my head, it wouldn't work. Only if it would be that simple.

"Baka. Don't you think I haven't thought about that? I can't. They won't give an amnesiac child to a newly 18-year-old still in high school. Child services will be up my ass." I told him, sadly.

"Well, I'm fresh out of ideas." I snorted. Did he even know the seriousness of this situation? I knew he was reckless but he can't be that dumb. 

"How is he?" Ran asked, coming back in with a young female doctor in her early 20's. The lady came over and checked the 'child's' pulse and vitals. They seemed to be near normal.

"He just went back to sleep. He must be tired, poor guy," Hattori explained. 

"And how did he react when he was awake?" The nurse asked, giving him a sympathetic smile that just made him want to punch her. I could see it in his eyes. I looked between the two and frowned. She didn't know anything.

"I say calm but he says he does not remember anything at all," I explained, a lump forming in my thought. I coughed.

"I will have to get someone to examine him properly when he wakes up but I am afraid that it might be what we feared." She explained, looking at the child in pity. "Was he in any pain at all when he woke? Was he touching his head or anything like that?" She asked, tightened her grip on her clipboard and readied her pen.

"Erm, he was moaning a bit and clutching his head." Hattori started, adverting his head to look out the window. The sun was over the hirsion and it was coming close to setting.

"Okay, when he wakes again, call me and I will get some painkillers that will help numb the pain." We nodded to her. Satisfied, she walked out of the room, her high heels clicking against the wooden floor. Ran came over and sat on the chair, she looked pale as she stared at the small boy. After a few minutes, she adverted her gaze, tears pooling in her eyes as she cried silently.

"Ran, listen to me, everything is going to be okay." Hattori went over and bent down, placing a hand over her- that was resting in Conan's limp one. Without warning, she shot forward and latched on to Harley as her sobs increased.

"How can you say that! Just look at him! He has a broken leg, shot in the ribs and not to mention amnesia! How did this even happen? I should have been there for him! I should have protected him! I could of ..." The words stuck in her throat as she cried. I watched on in despair.

"It is not yer fault. You could 'av' never known 'til it was too late. Those guys ... they beat him up pretty bad. But at least we 'aven't lost 'im, look he's still there, isn't he? We just 'ave ta 'elp 'im get though dis. We just looky dat the police found da place of the kidnappers and got 'im out before he was killed." Hattori tried to reason and the girl's crying was reduced. An uncomfortable silence followed, no one knowing what to say. 

I frowned. I have a feeling they did something else to him. I just have to figure out what? Just then, I felt hands tighten around me as a scream pierced the air. I turned towards the source as I saw my Tentei sweating buckets and wheezing. My eyes widened as his eyes shot open as he looked at me with the most terrified expression settled his face.


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