Chapter 4

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All 3 of the young teens sauntered out of the building. They looked around, until they saw the group of people in a van, There was no possible way we gonna fit in there. Teagan looked at Zach, "We're on bike again, lets go." He pushed the car door open, Claire gasped, "What are you doing? Get back in this car."

Maleena then climbed in the back. She sat in the corner of the van, by the door, fitting perfectly. Gray pulled in next to her, and then Ryder, "Can we go, Claire? They are gonna be safe." Maleena yelled sitting up, looking at her boss, she shrugged, "Whatever they are gonna do it anyway.". Maleena pretended to be annoyed but all she felt was guilt. And worry.

Owen looked at Teagan "You need to be safe." She smirked, "I'm a professional, and I'll take my bike." Teagan closed the door behind Ryder, "What's going on anyway?" Owen had a look of pure anger, "They are gonna use the raptors to catch this thing." Ryder gasped, "Why the hell do they plan on doing that?!"

"Because when you guys came to watch the raptors, they were watching their pack mentality, they want to field test now." Maleena smirked, "They're gonna release them aren't they?!" He nodded, "That's why we've got to hurry." Teagan nodded, "Get out of here." Maleena looked at Teagan, "Be safe." She winked, "Always."

The van started to drive off, leaving Zach and Teagan behind, they ran over to the bike. "Hang on." He wrapped his arms around her waist,she twisted the bike around, kicking the kickstand up just as she did. She then sped up to look at Owen as he drove, she winked and saluted him. Maleena laughed, "Okay is she challenging us? Cause I could totally win!"

Gray, and Ryder yelled at the same time, "NO DONT LET HER!" Maleena looked over at the two boys, "I strongly dislike both of you." She sat back in the seat, crossing her arms as Owen tried to catch up to the speeding brunette. "Dammit Owen you suck at races." He looked back at Maleena, "We are in van, she is on a motorcycle. If you wanna tell me how to drive, then you drive the damn van."

Gray yelled again, "NO DONT LET HER BEHIND THE WHEEL!" Maleena looked over at him, "You're in for a smart bottom." He looked over at her, "At least I won't be in for a dead one." "I drove earlier and you didn't seem to be complaining when I got us away safely. Huh?"

Ryder then quipped in with. "Well safely is a relative term. There were no physical wounds but, mentally...Also his knuckles were turning white from hanging on so tight"

Claire then turned around, "DO I HAVE TO SEPARATE YOU?!" Maleena, and Ryder then pointed to Gray, "It was his fault." Gray looked back and forth at the two, "Sure blame the little one. I see how it is." Claire turned around and looked back towards the front, "Why did we ever agree to drive with them?"

"Hey you're the one who wanted kids." Owen winked slightly at Claire, she blushed, "Very funny. Now hurry up."

He pressed down harder on the gas pedal, and the car went further, the car ride sat in silence, until finally we reached the raptor pen. It was dark out, and Owen stormed out of the car, walking over to a familiar face. Hoskins, he was about to talk to Owen, but Owen went up and punched his in the face instead. "OHH" Claire got of the car next, then followed by the rest of the group.

Teagan pulled up next to the van, getting off, both her and Zach walked over to the group, listening to the conversation. Hoskins was trying to intimidate Owen, but nothing was working, Owen spoke, "Get the hell out of here, and stay away from my animals."

Claire kept her eyes on him, pushing her way to the front, "Hoskins, you wanted this to happen, you son of a bitch-" Hoskins cut her off, "Ah Jesus, how many more people have to die," He rubbed his now bruised jaw, "Before this mission starts to make sense to you?"

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