I watched as Teagan pulled Maleena over, they were talking about something, probably how Maleena yelled a second ago. I looked over at Zach, he looked me up and down, "What? Wanna start another fight?"
"Dude, what the hell is your problem?", Zach yelled at me. I crossed my arms, "You, your my problem." Zach smirked. "Oh get over yourself." I shook my head, "Don't you get it, I'm already over myself, you are the problem."
"How am I the problem? I didn't even. do anything." I uncrossed my arms, throwing them up in response, "It's not what you did, its what you've been saying!", "What? That whole screwing dinosaurs thing? Geez, get over it . It's not my fault that your girlfriend liked a gentleman."
I was about to say something when I felt a hand on my arm, pulling me away from the argument, it was Teagan. "Okay lets talk, and I want your sarcastic ass to be serious for once." I shook my head, crossing my arms, "That may not be possible."
She crossed her arms, "Whatever just hear me out, you like Maleena. I can see it. It's so fucking obvious." I was about to cut her off to deny it, but instead she kept talking, "Look I'm not gonna tell you how to be a gentleman, I wouldn't know. But I sure as hell know, that if you don't take your chance now, then you're gonna lose her. So go be the gentleman I know you can be, and tell her how you feel."
"How do I know she feels the same?" I questioned her, "Because I Know everything, and I'm her best friend. I mean did you see the way she's been acting, and the fact that she told me helps. So stop being a moron and go over there."
I nodded, "I'm gonna do it." I started to get motivated, I shook my head, Teagan laughed, "Okay hurry up!" She pushed me towards Maleena's direction, I looked at her soft black hair, the way it fell perfectly in a side braid. The way her brown eyes filled with life as they sparkled at me, the light pink tint in her lips, her naturally blushed cheeks, she was perfect.
I smiled, I know what I'm going to do. I kept walking over, until finally I reached her, I put my hands on her face and pulled her into me, her sweet lips touching mine. The taste of mint filling me. God, I hoped I wasn't screwing this up. This wasn't just our first shared kiss. It was my first kiss ever. She smiled into the kiss slightly, pulling on the fabric of my shirt, bringing me in closer, deeper, and then pulled apart as I moved some of her hair out of her face.
She questioned me. "Was that your way of saying 'I like you.'?" I nodded,"As long as you say it back." She bit down on her bottom lip, smiling, "How's this for the answer?", Her hand traveled to the back of my neck, she pulled me into her savoring touch, kissing me once more. She moved her hands down and intertwined one of them with mine as we pulled apart.
"Okay come on, I'd rather not have a near death experience out here again." Teagan was standing with her arms crossed, the gray sweatshirt in her hand. "Lets go, Zach found the old building." She started to walk towards a pair of large doors, they were old, covered in weeds.
When she opened the door, more weeds were revealed, paintings peeling off the walls, and the skylight broken. "My dad showed me a picture of this place in its prime time, it was amazing, there were paintings on the wall, and t-rex bones hanging from the ceiling, it was gorgeous. But now all that's left of it it rotting bones and crumbling rocks."
I looked at her, and put a hand over my heart, "That was so deep, I can't even see you anymore." She shoved into me slightly, "Shut up you know what I mean." Teagan kept leading the way, until she found the boys. They were sitting in an old Jeep Wrangler, Maleena picked up the keys, "I doubt it's going to start. No one had been here in over 22 years."

Hybrid Awakens (Jurassic World)
AdventureAnother Jurassic World Fanfiction, but I can assure you that this one is different.. There are 3 new people, why don't you read and meet them, and one question. Are you ready for the adventure?