Fallen Angels

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I sat down on the pavement. It was cold and it was raining. And I don't mean a little, it was pouring down, so I was soaked. I was sitting outside of the venue where my favourite band, Black Veil Brides, played. I had bought a ticket but I came to late, so now I couldn't get in. I was pissed, because hadn't my mom stopped me at home I would be having the time of my life. Instead I was out here, freezing to death. I started to cry, but then when I heard voices coming near me. I stood up and wiped away the tears. I turned around and there were 3 guys, probably drunk because they couldn't walk straight. Then they saw me and started to walk against me. One of the guys opened his mout and out came:

"Why is a little girl like you here all alone? Do you want us to keep you company?"

He looked at me with dark eyes, almost threatening. I didn't know what to do. I was a really small person, only 5"2 and I wasn't that strong, so I couldn't take them down. They started to walk again and this time they didn't stop. I began to run. I was sprinting at the fastest speed I was capable of. But that wasn't fast enough. The next thing I knew, he had grabbed hold of my arm. He had locked our arms in place, and violently pushed me into the ground. I tried to get back up but he was on top of me, pushing his weight on to me. Suddenly as I looked behind me shoulder, I saw the figure of his hand quickly change into a fist heading directly at me, then everything turned black.

When I woke up I feel an ache in my head and then I saw the person standing over me. It was a bald man with a black shirt on. I scream, and I scream lound. What is he going to do with me and where the fuck am I? 

"Holy crap! You can scream high!" 

The man says to me, smiling and holding his hands over his ears. I start to scream again and this time he says:

"Ssh, I'm not one of the men that attaked you. I helped you get away." 

I looked at him. How am I supposed to believe him? So I say:

"How can I trust you?" He then says: "Look around you." So I do. And what I see surprise me. I see a lot of people running around and shouting. Then I see a box. With the words BVB on it. I stop breathing. It can't be... Then I hear the music and it is. I'm back stage on the Black Veil Brides concert. 

"I was out smoking when I heard a scream and laughter, so I ran to the place where the scream came from and it was there I found you. The guy on top of you had his fist above your head and I'm sorry that I didn't make it in time to stop him from punching you." He then said. 

He smiled at me. He looked like he was in his fortys and his arm was all tatted. He looked kinda friendly. Then the music stopped and the man says: "I need to go and help the band, but you stay here and someone will come and help you." Then he gives me one more smile and walks away.

I look around me and when I look to my right I can see the entrance to the stage. Then I see a arm that I recognise. Then the whole man steps into the room. It's CC, the bands drummer. I'm in the sane room as one of my heroes. Then another man comes in and this man is Ashley Purdy, the bassist of the band. Then the rest of the band comes in. And last it's the singer. Andy Biersack. Oh my God, he's more beautiful in person and he is so tall with his 6"3. And he is looking right at me, but after some seconds he turns away and walkes after the guys. 

I didn't realise that I had stopped breathing. I had just seen my biggest hero and idol and he had looked staright at me. I sat up and I got dizzy. Was I just supposed to sit an wait here for someone to come and help me? With What? I looked down on my clothes and my shirt was ripped all over and over the chest there was a big rip so you could see my bra. Oh God... I had just shown my bra to Andy... My heart started to pound really hard and my face turned red,.  Then I felt the sofa sink down. I looked to my left and what I saw was Andy Fucking Biersack looking straight at me with a smile on his lips and his mesmerising blue eyes. 

We Are All Fallen Angels - A Black Veil Brides Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now