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"Oh God, will you please shut up?"

Cara rolled her eyes in annoyance, making me grin. It took a lot to annoy Cara--something unbelieveable--and I was happy every time I did annoy her felt like a prize.

"Look, all I've been saying is you need to get a girlfriend Drew, like now."

I bite my lip, trying to make it seem I was deep in thought, and swivel my chair around to face the computer I was working on.

Chilly, December air flows through the window as I hear her groan, in even more annoyance, and footsteps to shut it.

"What's got you in a bad mood, Cara? You got your period?"

I launch into the computer desk, hitting my arms which were infront of me, and I curse her loudly.

"Hey, fvck that! What's going in wih you?"

"You insulted me."

"You pushed me into a desk."

"Car, what's up? You look pretty mad about something." I shrug nochalantly, as if nothing happened.

I watch Cara huff and plop herself down on the couch, randomly picking up a bag of Doritos from the floor and some soda from the stand. Was our apartment really that messy?

"If I need to inform you, I am not on my period. My boss wants me to have something done by Christmas Eve and you know I can't."

"By like, midnight?"

She nods, shoving a Dorito into her mouth. "Yes. Family's gonna drag me off to Mass again."

"Shut it, don't pretend like you're not religious."

She raised her arms in defence, frowning at me.

"I am. It's just, midnight, really? Could've been before, or after!"

"It'll be okay, Cara. Just explain it to your boss, or something."

"At least I have a boss."


"Hey! What was that?"


So you might be wondering, Steph, why is Cara religious? Her character is not like that.

Well, I know. I don't think Cara is religious in real life, but I wanted to put her on here as Roman Catholic, just to make it a bit different. She may look like a complete ass, but she's different in certain places. I might make some hints to that, but don't expect Cara to be very religious, she is just a normal girl.

What do you think of having Michael Clifford on here? He's not Michael on here, but I liked his style so I want him in this one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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