Takumi Aldini - I'll Take Care of You (2)

Start from the beginning

We were about to get in the kitchen, when suddenly Yukihira-san's head popped out the kitchen. He grinned.

"Tadokoro! Perfect timing!" he exclaimed, "I'm just finishing up!"

His eyes shifted to mine and Takumi's. He grinned even wider and insisted us to go in too. I'm not sure if he noticed Takumi's bad mood or not, but he acted as if nothing's wrong. Takumi kept silent and followed me in.

Fumio-san was sitting near the kitchen counter, while eating something that I assume was Yukihira-san's dish. I greeted her first before she noticed me and Takumi. She smiled a little at me and greeted me back -- sadly, it vanished right after she saw Takumi's face. She didn't have the look of fear, it was rather a look of disbelief.

"Fumio-san, Yukihira-san, I have a gift for both of you!" I exclaimed and happily handed them the two, last bag of cookies.

"Ah, thank you, (Y/N)." Fumio-san said, eyes still locked on Takumi. While both of them are staring at each other with unexplainable faces, Yukihira-san is busy reacting on my gift. He thanked me and tossed one of the cookie in his mouth, chewing it loudly. As he swallowed it, he grinned.

"Whoooo, it's really delicious!" he exclaimed loudly, "You're rea--"



I observed the kitchen. Everyone was makimg the same expression as I do -- a taken back, blank face. All except Takumi, who seemed to be much much worse. His hand are firmly gripping on the counter. It seemed a little bit cracked, and I'm certain I never saw that crack before.

Which means...

"Oi..." he deadpanned, "Yukihira Souma... just what did you think you're doing?"

Nobody spoke.

"...Eh?" Yukihira-san densely voiced, "What-?"

"Don't play dumb with me." Takumi walked to me and held my wrist firmly, "You were trying to flirt with (Y/N) just now."

The kitchen was starting to get a little tense. Taking him a little serious, Yukihira-san narrowed his eyes and glared back. Fumio-san, Megumi, and I just stared at them, creeped out.

Still silent, Takumi moved to the counter. He was fumbling with some kitchen tools, and I assume he was searching for something. When he freezed, seemed to found something, he muttered, "(Y/N), I actually want to do this in a long time." then he pulled his hand.

A knife.

We don't know what to say or do. All of us just stood there motionless, waiting for Takumi to speak up. I don't know why we're still standing silently despite the knife on Takumi's hand and terrifying expression. If Takumi was a stranger, we would've reacted differently. Yukihira-san took the first move by shifting his body position more cautiously.

"Takumi..." Yukihira-san voiced out, "What are you..?"

He didn't answer.

Swiftly, he walked to me, his bangs covering half of his face. The more he walks, the more I felt uncomfortable. He immediately pushed me to the kitchen counter, which earned several gasps. I wanted to question him, but the answer suddenly came through his action. He roughly grabbed my right/left hand.

And slammed the knife on my pinky finger. Fastly.

"GAH!" I cried out in pain. My eyes are focused on Takumi's dark eyes, but I could see everyone's shocked face from the corner of my sight. Instead of finally speaking up, he continued to cut my ring finger. It hurts so much, I had a hard time locking away my tears and louder screams. But the scarier fact is how I can't feel two of my fingers anymore, and that frightens me. My right/left hand is my dominant hand -- how can I cook, write, or do most things right with only three fingers!?

What the heck is he doing!?

I thought everyone was just goung to watch, but Yukihira-san reacted before he managed to do more. He pulled Takuni away from me and punched his face. His face is full of rage, and it was stated more clearly when he voiced it out loudly.


"I'm not hurting her." Takumi seethed, "I'm trying to help her."


Taken over by wrath, Takumi dashed to Yukihira-san, attempting to stab him.

I don't know what's gotten into Takumi, but I won't let him hurt someone else. I lunged between them and pushed him. As I pushed his body, I noticed my two missing fingers and bloody hand. But I also noticed that Takumi didn't cut my whole finger. It terrifies me, but I brushed the thought off my mind immediately. My blood was printed on Takumi's shirt.

"..!!" Fumio-san finally takes action and stood protecticely in front of me, "What is the meaning of this, Aldini Takumi!?"

"I'm freeing (Y/N)," Takumi retorted, "She's been holding in her pain all this time. Now that she's free, she doesn't have to suffer or cook anymore."

I gasped.

Tears slowly formed in my eyes as I bit my lip to hold the burning pain in my hand and heart. He's forcing me to stop cooking? He's taking away my dreams to be a great chef? He didn't think of my feelings at all! Hot tears flowed on my cheeks. So my hard work for the past ten years is a waste? I've been through many obstacles and met many amazing friends. And then there's Takumi. Before we started dating, he's my number one motivator. What changed Takumi to do this to me? How could he do this to me!? Did he even love me!? My tears flowed faster and was followed by loud sobs and even hiccups.


"Ssshh ssshh, don't cry (Y/N)..." he gently caressed my puffy cheeks and softly whispered on my ears, "Everything is going to be alright..."

I couldn't stop. My tears, shivers, sobs, everything. But what's worse is the fact that I'm accepting Takumi's arms, because I knew clearly that I should've run already. Maybe because I loved him too much to let go. But most importantly, how did I even fell for him in the first place? Falling for him might probably the worst mistake I've ever done. I cried even harder. Takumi kissed my forehead and whispered soothing fake reassurances of my safety. Am I even considered safe anymore? Even my hand doesn't feel like stinging anymore; my heart took the sting.

Takumi 'tried' sewing my fingers back a few moments ago, but it only brings me more pain and fear.

I tried to push myself out of Takumi's grasp and glanced at the whole room. It was rather quiet in this usually lively dorm... well, ever since Takumi brutally murdered everyone in the dorm. Puddles of blood and broken things are scattered everywhere, and Takumi already disposed all the corpses somewhere else.

At first I couldn't control myself and threw a horrible tantrum. I even tried to kill him mindlessly. And before I even realized it, Takumi tied me up on a chair and intentionally give me small cuts around my body. When my fearful gaze locked on his soulless eyes, I knew that I was going to lose my freedom in a few moments. Takumi lifted my chins up amd kissed me without my knowledge. I could only let my tears flow on my cheeks as I let him kiss me even more. As our lips parted, he whispered once again.

"It's okay, (Y/N)." he smiled mischievously, "From now on, I'll take care of you."


I was super confused what to write on the end of this part, because I'd have to write a third part if I used my original idea for this -_-" Anyways, I don't like how OOC my precious Takumi has become in here ;-; but a small part of me actually likes it...

Thank you so much for everyone who reads, votes, and comments on this story! ; 7; I'll try hard not to be a procrastinating author!

(Edit: The statement above was a BS. I almost discontinued all of my work...)


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