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Carlisle's car—which Alice, Jasper and Bella use to escape from James—is said to have dark tinted windows. In the movie the car they escape from doesn't seem to be tinted at all.
When Bella goes to meet the Cullens, Emmett and Rosalie are not there. At the scene where they prepare Bella's Italian dish Rosalie and Emmett are present.
When Bella goes to the Cullen house, she is wearing a khaki skirt and a dark blue blouse. In that scene Bella is wearing jeans, a green top and a jean jacket.
The Cullen siblings only take Edward's car to school, in order of being less noticeable. While driving to school Rosalie and Emmett both drive their own cars.
Edward tells Bella that if they become public, his family will be in trouble because it might 'end badly'. In the movie Rosalie and Emmett explain why it would end badly to Bella.
While they are playing baseball, Edward tells Bella to take down her hair. Alice says, "That won't work. I could smell her across the field." During the scene Alice doesn't say the words Rosalie says, "Like that will help. I could smell her from across the field."
There was no mention of what the Cullens wore to the baseball field. Esme acts as the umpire but does not physically play; she stays with Bella on the sidelines. The baseball scene has the Cullens wearing jerseys and hats. Also, Bella acts as umpire and Esme is the catcher and the teams are formed differently than in the book.
In the book, Bella's first day at Forks High School is on January 18. In the film, her first day at a new school is in March.
In the book, Forks High School is a cluster of separated buildings. In the movie, it is just one typical enclosed building.
In the book, in regard to the heroin line: Isabella offers the analogy "So what you're saying is, I'm your brand of heroin?" to which Edward replies "Yes, you are exactly my brand of heroin." Edward mentions alcohol at first, but decides the reference is not a powerful enough illustration. In the film, the addiction reference is shortened. Alcohol is not mentioned, and when he compares her scent to a drug, Edward simply delivers the line "You're like my own personal brand of heroin."
In the book, Edward tells Isabella that he was planning to take her to visit his family on a Sunday when Bella was eating breakfast. In the movie, Edward jumps onto Bella's truck and then tells her that he is taking her to meet his family the next day.
In the book, Mr. Banner is Bella's biology teacher. In the movie, Mr. Molina is Bella's biology teacher.
In the book, the prom is held in their school gym. In the movie, prom is held at a hotel inn instead of the high school gym.
In the book, Bella reveals that she knows Edward is a vampire in the car on the way back to Forks from Port Angeles. In the movie, this revelation is moved to the forest beside Forks High School.
In the book, Bella uses a CD Player In the movie, she uses an iPod.
In the book, when they are in Edward's room Bella says: "You're not as scary as you think you are." Edward then pounces on Bella and they land on the couch. In the movie, when they are in Edward's room Bella says: "I'm not scared of you." Edward then says: "You really shouldn't have said that," slings Bella onto his back, and jumps out the window with her onto a tree.
In the book, Bella finds out about her truck while she is riding in Charlie's police cruiser from the airport.
In the movie, Bella doesn't know about the truck until after Billy and Jacob deliver it to her house.

In the book, their first kiss is next to Bella's truck after they leave the meadow. In the movie, Edward and Bella's first kiss is in Bella's room.
In the book, Jacob tells Bella all the legends of his tribe and she learns from him that Edward and his family are vampires. In the movie, Jacob tells her only part of the story, and she finds the rest out from a book that she buys in Port Angeles and the internet.
In the book, it is only after another student opens the door that Edward realizes that Bella is standing behind him in the office on her first day at school. In the movie, Edward seems to smell her as soon as she enters the room (although this could be that he heard the door open but because he couldn't hear any thoughts he realized it was her).
In the book, Alice helps Bella get ready for the prom. In the movie, Bella seems to get ready by herself, though she mentions that Alice let borrow her the dress that she wears.
In the book, the Cullens' house is old and white. In the movie, the Cullens' house is modern-looking, and painted in black and brown.
In the book, Bella ditches Jasper by running through the airport bathroom and hopping into a taxi from a hotel that the bus she got on took her to. In the movie, when Bella escapes from Alice and Jasper to meet up with James, she ditches them in the hotel lobby.
In the book, when Bella sees Jacob at the prom; he has grown significantly tall. In the movie, when Bella sees Jacob at the prom; he hasn't grown significantly.
In the book, it is mentioned that Jacob dances with Bella. In the movie, he just sits with her outside the inn.
In the book, Jacob fixes up a VW Rabbit, and Billy bribes him with auto parts and $20 to get him to warn Bella at the prom. In the movie, there is no mention of Jacob fixing up the Rabbit, or of Billy bribing him with auto parts to get him to warn Bella at the prom, but he does offer Jacob the $20.
In the book, the restaurant is Italian. In the movie, the restaurant is not Italian, and the scene goes much differently than in the book.
In the book, Bella has an old desktop computer. In the movie, Bella has a new Apple laptop.
In the book, when Edward saves Bella from being crushed by the van, it is before school. In the movie, it happens right after school ends that day.
In the book, Bella said that she was going to Seattle to avoid going to a school dance. In the movie, she said that she was going to Jacksonville.
In the book, Charlie put snow chains on Bella's truck tires, and he hadn't told her about it. In the movie, Charlie put new tires on the truck instead, and told her before she left for school.
In the book, Angela isn't happy about going to the dance with Eric. In the movie, she hopes that he will ask her to the dance.
In the book, Edward didn't know that James and Victoria were together, a crucial point in the next two books with Edward saying that he would've known that Victoria would've come back if he had known that they were "mates". In the movie, James and Victoria walk away with James' arm draped over her shoulder. (during the baseball scene)
In the book, it is stated that Billy is unable to drive. In the movie, he is seen driving when Edward leaves Bella's house.
In the book, Edward has a silver Volvo S60R and Bella's truck is from the '50s. In the movie, he has a silver Volvo C30. and her truck is a '63.
In the book, Alice is supposed to be short.
In the movie, she is almost as tall as Bella, and no more than six inches shorter than Jasper, although he is supposed to be 6'3" and she is supposed to be 4'10".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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