Tres, Three, Drei, Tribus, மூன்று

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Hermione woke before Severus, which was common, but what wasn't common was the extra lump in the bed. She removed the covers to see a cat laying curled up to her stomach. Her back was still facing Severus, so she shooed the cat. It mewed in protest, but eventually moved out of her way.

Hermione got up and went to the washroom. She, instead of putting her hair into a bun, as her old head of house did, she pulled it into a messy ponytail. A few strands fell to her face and she was about to pull them back, but her husband interrupted her.

"Leave them." Hermione turned to see him, arms crossed, leaning against the door frame. She smiled, but did as he said. As she walked past him into their room, she gave him a quick peck on the lips. She pulled a cream blouse out of her dresser and a navy blue skirt.

"Severus? Have you seen my black heels?" Hermione asked while searching through her her shoes.

"You mean the ones that you left by the door?" Hermione giggled at the memory of why they were by the door.

"Thank you, love." She murmured through a smile. She went to the door and slipped them on. Severus had already gotten ready and was waiting by the door for his wife, but before they could leave for breakfast, there was a pecking at the window. Seeing as it was their owl, Rose, Hermione rushed over to open the window. Rose dropped the letter she was carrying in Hermione's hands and flew past her and landed on Severus' shoulder. He gave her a bread crumb and she nuzzled his cheek before flying off again.

Hermione smiled and went to open the letter.

"We're going to be late, dear." Severus said. Hermione just grabbed the letter and they went off to the Great Hall arm in arm. They arrived at the Hall before most of the other staff did. They took their seats at the far right of the table. Severus sat at the very end, so that the only person he sat next to was his wife. She, unfortunately, had none other than Sybil Trelawney to her left. Hermione had to endure a half hour's worth of Trelawney's wistful looks and dramatic sighs directed through her and to her husband. He, seeming to notice, did his best to distract her.

The Hall filled with students and staff alike. All hungry and chatters, ready for some downtime to spend stuffing their faces with the finest foods in Scotland, and spreading the newest gossip that their friends may have missed. Nothing out of ordinary, to most. But, to Severus Snape, something was wrong. Instead of simple head nods and mayhaps a smile between the houses, as that was what Hogwarts had been reduced to after the war, Severus noticed sinister sneers and glares coming from all houses, not just Slytherin. Even the kind little bumblebee house was sending its own fair share of evil looks.

What Severus Snape did not notice, however, was that his son saw what was happening, too. Severus Snape looked to his wife and was horrified to see her sending a positively ruthless glare towards the Divination professor to her left. If he could have seen her eyes, he would have sworn that one could see the fiery pits of Hell burning within them. She seemed to snap out of her reverie when her son came rushing up the the table.

"Mum. Dad. Headmistress McGonagall. I... We... I have got some... We need to talk." When they didn't move, he tried conveying his matter of urgency. "Now, please." He said it with as much of a deadly whisper as he could muster. It seemed to work, however.

"So, earlier this morning Levi was talking about how he thought that some certain Gryffindors should die in a very gruesome way. He started calling them 'mudbloods', so I told him to shut it and changed the subject. He then gave me a list. With names on it. He called it his Hit List. They are all Gryffindors or Muggleborns. Now, every single person from that list is missing. None of them showed up for their classes before supper and now they're not in the Great Hall. I'm so worried that he might have done something stupid. Please. Help." He didn't pause to take a breath until he had finished.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2015 ⏰

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