Ben Opens Up

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Ben POV:

"YOU KISSED HER!?!" Josh screamed it so loud I think the people in China heard him.

"Would you keep it down Josh! She's only a couple rooms down from us!" I told him.

"You really like her don't you?" Josh asked.

"She's all I think about. But the problem is she sees me as a brother." I explained.

"Well I don't think she would kiss her brother." Josh added.

"She was just lying there and she looked so beautiful and I just leaned in and kissed her. But she kissed back, that means something right?" I asked.

"Duh! You should go for it man!"

"But isn't it weird with us being in the show together...would it create problems?"

"I think it would be a cute showmance. And you two seem perfect for each other."

"I just don't think she likes me like that. As I said, she sees me as her brother." 

"Well maybe she doesnt..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well I've seen how you two are two definitely have a connection."

"You think so?" I asked, getting really happy.

"Yeah, the way you smile at each other, how you guys are always together, I'm actually in the middle of a bet with Vincent. I gave it 5 days before you two were an item, which it's been 6 days so thanks for letting me down buddy. Vincent bet 7. Which means if you two become an item tomorrow I owe him 20 bucks so if you just wait until Sunday that would be great." Josh joked. I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"So you really think we would work as a couple?"

"I do. I think you should go for it!"

"I can't, I'm too nervous."

"Why are you nervous?"

"What if she doesn't see me like that? I really like her. What if she says no? What if I make a fool of myself? And I've only known her 6 days, I don't want to rush things."

"Yeah it's definitely too soon, you should wait until you've known her 8 days...7 days is just too soon."

"You just want to keep your 20 bucks." I laughed.

"That is true. But being serious, if you don't think the time is right then wait until you think it's right." Josh replied. I turned off the light and laid down in bed. Jordyn was all I could think about. The way she laughs, her beautiful smile, how she twirls her hair when she's nervous, and when she rests her head on my shoulder. She seemed like recently she was becoming a little more distant though, maybe I'm just imagining it. 


I woke up and looked at the clock, it was 9 o clock. Wow. I grabbed my phone and checked instagram. I saw the picture Sky posted with Jordyn from last night. I stared at the picture for a minute. She looked so pretty in the picture. I liked the picture and continued through my newsfeed. I liked a bunch of fans pictures and then scrolled back to the top of my newsfeed. Jordyn had just posted a picture. It was a picture of her and Parker that we had taken at the park. "Miss this dork already, love you Blue." was the caption. I liked her picture and left a comment. "Aw you two are the SECOND cutest twins.". I put my phone down and sat up in bed. I stood up and threw on one of my old t-shirts. Josh was still asleep, so I stayed quiet. I sat down in the chair on the table and pulled out my phone. I refreshed my notifications and saw Jordyn had replied to my comment. "Sure, keep believing that." she had said. Maybe I should text her, see if she wants to go get donuts or something. What if that makes me seem too desperate? But I really want to talk to her...ugh what should I do? I wish Josh would wake up. I grabbed a pillow off my bed and threw it at Josh. He slowly sat up and woke up.

"Aw good your awake! I need help." I said.

"Did you throw a pillow at me?" Josh asked.

"Um, no." I replied. "Now help me!"

"Gosh I'm not even awake 2 seconds and you are whining!" Josh replied. He flopped back down onto his bed and put the pillow over his face.

"Should I text her?" I asked.

"Text who?" Josh asked. 

"The tooth fairy Josh. WHO DO YOU THINK I MEAN?" 

"Wow ok your sass is not needed here." Josh replied.

"Should I text Jordyn?" I asked again.

"You are going  to see her in like 3 hours, just wait until then." Josh replied. I guess he was right, I didn't want to seem obsessed or anything. I heard my phone ding and got really excited, hoping it was Jordyn.

DeMarius: What time is the movie at again?

Damn, it wasn't Jordyn.

Me: 12:30 but we are meeting in the lobby at 12.

"JOSH I HAVE AN IDEA!" I practically screamed.

"Is your idea allowing me to go back to sleep because if so I love that idea!" Josh replied.

"No, you can find out if Jordyn likes me." I told him.


"Just go talk to her! You two are friends right?"

"Well yeah-" I cut him off.

"Perfect!" I ran over to his bed and pulled him out of it. "Off you go then." Josh slowly got up and stared at me.

"The things I do for you " He said, and then he left. I started to pace around the room. What if she doesn't like me? So much could go wrong. What if she thinks I sent Josh to ask her? Well I mean I did send him but I don't want her to know that! A million thoughts rushed through my head.

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