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Jordyn POV:

I sat in my dressing room after the show.  We had stayed in my room all day leading up to the show and watched movies.  The company offered for me to take off for a night but I wanted to perform, it made me forget about what was going on life. But now the show was over, and I was alone. I gently touched my cheek and winced in pain.  Meredith and Melissa had left, I told them I was ok and faked a smile so they would believe me. I sat there on the couch, staring at my knees. The events from last night kept replaying in my head. The way he grabbed my face, he was so forceful. I felt tears start to stream down my face. There was a knock at the door. Quickly wiping the tears from my face, I told whoever it was to come in. Ben came through the door.

"Hey, you ok?" He asked.

"Um, yeah. Just relaxing." I said.

"I was waiting for you outside my dressing room, are you ready to leave?" He asked. I looked into his eyes, I could tell him anything.

"I really don't want to stage door tonight. I'm still not over last night and Im too scared honestly." I explained.

"Its ok, we will just leave through the main theatre doors. Everybody by now is either gone or at the stage door." He said.

"Ben, you dont need to come. Theres fans out there who want to meet you."

"Im going to out and meet them and then I will come back in here and take you back to the hotel. Um i just saw Sky I will have him stay in here with you while I go out. Be right back." He left and 2 minutes later Sky came in.

"Hey Jordyn, how are you doing? Ben told me you didnt wanna stage door." Sky said as he sat down next to me.

"Yeah, Im just kind of...scared." I said.

"Nothing like that has ever happened before Jordyn, and nothing like it will ever happen again." He said comforting me.

"I know, maybe I will try the stage door tomorrow. But today I just want to avoid it." I told him. I wanted to stage door, I wanted to meet all of the fans. But I was just not ready for that today.

"Do you want to leave now? I can walk with you back to the hotel." Sky suggested. Ben had said he would walk me back, but he's out with the fans. Who knows how long he will be. And I really want to go back to the hotel...

"Sure, but can we go out the main door?" I asked. I stood up and grabbed my bad. I followed Sky out through the main door, luckily nobody was there. 

"So, are you doing better?" Sky asked.

"Yeah, better. I'm still kind of in shock but I'm getting better. It was just so sudden and forceful. Nothing like that has ever happened to me, I finally understand what my brothers have always been protecting me from. People like them." I told him. He put his arm around me and pulled me close to him. 

"Well now you have us to protect you. And nothing like that will ever happen again." Sky's voice was so comforting. "Are you going to be fine staying alone tonight? I can stay if you need. I can sleep in the chair or on the floor if you want." 

"I think I'm going to stay in Ben and Josh's room tonight. Tomorrow is our last night here so then I will have a room mate and I won't have to be alone any more. But thanks for the offer." I said.

"Well if you ever need anything, I'm only a text or phone call away. One text or call and I will drop whatever I'm doing and come help you." 

"Thanks Sky, it means the world to me knowing you all are there for me."

"Do you wanna stop on the way back and get ice cream?" Sky offered. Ice cream is my weakness, I can never turn down ice cream. We walked down to the ice cream shop and sat in there and ate our ice cream.

"I'm surprised they are still open!" Sky laughed, it was almost midnight now. I looked at the staff who were all cleaning up.

"I think they are just waiting for us to leave!" I said. We left so they could close up. We were walking back when Sky pulled out his phone and he took a picture. He showed me the picture.

"Ew I look like trash!" I protested.

"No you dont, you look beautiful!" He said.

"No I look gross!"

"You look amazing as always Jordyn! I'm posting this and you can't stop me." He said. I grabbed the phone out of his hand and started running, almost dropping my ice cream. He started chasing after me yelling at me to give him his phone back. I arrived at the hotel and burst into the lobby. I ran to elevator and frantically pushed the elevator button. The elevator was being slow.

"Damn it!" I screamed as Sky caught up to me at the elevators and grabbed his phone back.

"All that and you didn't even delete the picture?" Sky laughed.

"Oh yeah, that would have been smart to do." I replied, out of breath. We went up the elevators and went to our rooms. Once in my room I put my bag down and changed into my pajamas. I went into my bag and pulled my phone out. I had 4 missed calls from Ben. I quickly called him back.

"Ben? Why did you call me 4 times?" I asked.

"Where are you? Are you ok?" He asked frantically.

"Yeah I'm fine, why?" I asked.

"Because I went back to your dressing room and you were gone and I called your phone and you didn't answer and you weren't in your hotel room and I just got scared." Ben admitted.

"Ben I'm fine, Sky walked me home and we stopped and got ice cream. I'm ok." I assured him.

"I'm sorry its just I got scared something like what happened last night happened again." 

"No, I'm ok. My phone was in my bag and I guess I just didn't hear it ring." I told him.

"Well I'm glad your ok. Are you still going to sleep up here with me and Josh?" He asked.

"Actually, I think I'm ok. I can survive a night alone. Thanks for the offer though."

"Ok, a bunch of us are going to see a movie tomorrow at 12 and then hang out in the park afterwards. Do you wanna come?"

"Sure! I'm gonna go to bed now though so I will see you tomorrow."

"See ya Jordyn" And he hung up. I checked instagram and saw Sky posted the picture with the caption"The best time for Ice cream is at midnight." I  liked the picture and decided to leave him a comment. "Hate you for posting this" I commented. I put my phone away and jumped into bed. All I could think about was Ben. I chose not to stay the night with him and Josh because I was really starting to develop feelings for him. But he thought of us as friends right? Wait then why did he kiss me? Last night he was the one who initiated the kiss, not me. It was probably a pity kiss, because he felt bad for me. He stayed with me the whole night though, and the whole day. He surely has some feelings for me! Or he sees me as his sister who needs protecting. That's probably it. To him I will never be more than a sister. I have to stop liking him, otherwise I will just fall harder for him. He's all that I think about though. I wish he saw me as more than a sister, but he never will.

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