chapter 6

33 1 4

Song listened to while in shower 》》》》》

Sooooo WOW!! its been YEARS!!! how is everyone? Hope u guys still wanna read this old thing haha. Well let's get on with it. Btw violeta will be known as violet it's just easier haha.



After their manager said it was time to sleep I decided to take a nice long shower. I really needed to relax. I would take a bath buuuuuuut I like singing in the shower is sooooo much more fun! I grabbed what I needed for my shower and walked out the room to the bathroom, which was right across my room. Lucky me! I turned on the shower to let it heat up, once it did I changed the temperature to my liking. I put on my new favorite song at the moment which was yey by beast. I got into the shower and washed my self singing and dancing to the music. Once I was done I got out of the shower and put on a warm fluffy robe. I got it off the bathroom but once I walked out I bumped into someone. It was an older woman "oh my gosh I am so very sorry miss!" "Oh no its quite alright. Just be more careful next time." She laughed "oh I will haha. Thank you have a nice night ma'am." "So polite. Thank you. You too." We parted ways and I went into my room. Hmmm that's funny, I thought I left my lights on? Oh well maybe I just forgot turning them off. I put my stuff on the dresser and combed out my wet hair. That's really weird I thought my brush was here? I don't own a comb. Hmmmm maybe the hotel gives u combs?........whatever maybe I'm just tired? I'll get into bed. I got into bed and drifted off.

Hmmm? What's this? It's so warm and soft. Oh maybe it's a teddy bear? No wait it has no fur, kinda feels I snap my eyes open and see the the back of someone's head. "Ahhhhh!!! Who are you and how did you get in my room????" I push off the person only to hear a thump and a familiar voice.


I was peacefully asleep when all of a sudden I'm pushed off my bed and onto the floor with a someone screaming. I get up and glare at the source of screaming only to see violet on my bed....With her robe slipping off her shoulder.......and no pants. "V-violet! What are you doing in my room?.......With no clothes?!?!" "Huh? Wha? Minsoo?" She looks down hearing my words and covers herself with the blanket. "Your room?" "Yes my room. Why are you here?" "Uhhhhhh wait sooooo this is NOT my room? Just to be clear." "No this is not. It is mine. We've already established that." "Aw shit I must have walked in here when I bumped into that old lady. Curse you nice old lady. I am SOOOO sorry minsoo I honestly didn't kn- oh shit......I used your wonder I didn't see my brush!" "No its alright. Just be more careful. You're lucky it was me and not someone else." Honestly I didn't think she was the kinda girl to miss something like not being in her room. Oh well I guess we all make mistakes. She moves a little dropping the blanket.......I need to get her some clothes though.


OH MY GOSH!! I AM IN MINSOO'S ROOM WITH NO CLOTHES AND HE IS SHIRTLESS!!! He probably thinks I'm the most retarded girl he has ever met. What kinda person walk into the wrong room!! I see Minsoo walk to his closet and take out a very large looking t-shirt "here wear this it's better then.....that." he said point to my robe....which was falling off of me!! I quickly fix my robe and take the t-shirt. He turns around so I can change. I quickly change into the t-shirt. Wow it went to the middle of my thigh. "Ok I'm done now." He turns back around and looks satisfied. "Ok it's late we should go back to sleep now. You can just stay here I don't want anyone to see you in the hallway like that." Oh my gosh I'm gonna sleep here? Oh gosh ohhhhh gosh! Just calm down It will be ok. I look up at minsoo and see him stretching......His back was GORGEOUS! Yeaaaaaaaaaa I'm not gonna be ok. "Ummm ok that sounds good." No it doesn't! What are you doing mouth! "Great now let's sleep" he climbs into the bed. I hesitate but also climb in. I don't grab the blanket. I'm too scared I will accidentally touch his gorgeous back muscles. "Violet do you want some blanket? You look cold, you have goosebumps." "What me? Pshhhhh I'm totally f-fine. These aren't goosebumps they are......hotbumps! Yea! It's like a sauna in here!" "'re shivering please grab some blanket." "Fiiiiiiiine!" I grab the blanket. Stupid room with your cold air and soft blanket and looking exactly like mine. Curse you evil room!! Anyway I stayed still until I heard him fall asleep. Thank goodness! I turn around to get more comfortable when I atop dead in my tracks. His face was like 5 inches from my face. I study his face for awhile noticing how handsome he looked. Damn his girlfriend must be so proud right now. Which is why I shouldn't be staring! I turn back around but suddenly feel two strong hands wrap around me and pull me close. Ohhh shit. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit. I peak and see he is still asleep. I try to struggle but he pulls me closer. Shit why am I enjoying this? Well there are a number of reasons. He's big, strong, warm an- shush up you!!! Dammit! I have no other choice so I just relax into his arms and try to sleep. Soon enough my eyes started feeling heavy and I feel into a nice deep sleep.

OOOOOOKKKKKAAAAAYYYYY!!!!! sooooooo what do you think? I haven't written since I stopped this fanfic but I think I did ok. Apologies for any errors. I'm writing this on my phone and it might correct somthing Lol but bare with me. Also thanks for staying with me for so long haha Chao!

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