Answer me Questions

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Hey it me Aiden for some odd reason I want ask people some questions also I'm going to be spoiler for some of my story okkkk here some questions

1. If you could have a son and daughter what would you name them
( ok mine is if I have a son I would name him Sparky and if I have a daughter her name would be bonny)

2. Who has step parents and real parents
( I have step parents and parents)

3. How old are you
( I'm 12)

4. What's your name
( you guy should know mine it. Aiden)

5.what your favorite Animals

6.what your favorite color
( mine is blood red I know it creepy but it true)

7. How many pets do you have
( I have 11 chickens, 5 goldfish, and 1 guinea pig)

Ok no more questions now two spoiler

1. There's going to be a second book about three special kids with the nicknames Hi, Hello, and Berry + there going to be in the first book

2.Autumn and Ricky are going to Die but Autumn may come back in the second book

Bloody Daughter of Jeff and Jane the killer *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now