Chapter Five- Beautiful gift and Haunted Mansion

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After living in Gravity falls for almost 6 months, you and dipper have been hanging out everyday, making Robbie jealous. But you and Robbie play video games and watch movies when you get home.

And after almost 6 months you decide it's time to confess to dipper. Though you know he has feelings for you, you don't know if he wants to have a relationship. But you decided it's about time, it is October 30th the day before your birthday. You figured if he rejects you then you can move on and try and have a great birthday with Mabel and the girls and Robbie.
But if he didn't reject you then you could spend your birthday with your boyfriend. Although you felt dipper pretty much was your boyfriend.

You two went star gazing almost every night until 1-2 am. Talking about your past, stupid stuff and what your dreams are for the future. But not only that, you went on adventures, you grew pretty close to Mabel, and you three watched movies and were hardly ever apart.

-ringtone: a sev'ral timez song-
"Hey Mabel!" You sounded genuinely happy, and you were. You finally had friends. You had people you could talk too, be yourself around and them be happy with you.
"Hey! So I was thinking a costume party!!!! And your favorite apple cider and cake!!!!" You heard Mabel shuffling through some papers, you could only assume they were notes for your party. You laughed. "Mabel whatever you plan will be great!" You hear her squeal. "Hey I'm coming over today dipper and I had plans can I talk to you about it then? I'm sure I'll have to wake him up." You hear her tone change. "Dipper isn't here, he left a while ago. He seemed to be in a hurry he didn't even change." Your heart dropped, then you heard a knock on your bedroom door. You open it and it's dipper panting, did he run here? "Mabel it's okay he's here. Dipper did you run here?" He nods and you let him in and he collapse on your bed. You and Mabel said your goodbyes and hung up.

You sat on the edge of your bed and he rolls on his side and hugs your torso. "(Y/n) we need to talk." Your heart which just settled back in its home once again sank.  "What about?" You turned to look at dipper who was crying. "Dipper?" He looked up at you. "(Y/n) I'm in love with you..." Your heart, now in the pit of your stomach skips a beat. Was he scared, is that why he's crying? You lean down and kiss him, gently. You can tell it shocked him, but as you pulled away he grabs your head and kisses you again. Hearing a sarcastic 'aw' from your door. The kiss breaks and without turning around, you knew who it was. "Robbie, leave and close my door." Dipper sat up, and he stared into your eyes and you stared right back. "I'm in love with you too. I actually planned on telling you today, Mabel and I planned it. But I guess nothing goes as planned." You chuckled a little embarrassed.

He smiled at you and kisses you again. You kissed back, but realized you needed to get ready and broke it. "I still need to get ready." He nodded and laid back down on your bed.

You got in the shower and came out in your towel. You forgot clothes. "What the hell should i wear?" You hear him chuckle. "What about the box on your desk?" You look at dipper and then the desk. "Dipper I'm a little to big for the box, but thanks." You said jokingly before opening your present from dipper. It was a beautiful red and black dress, it had a sweetheart neckline, strapless, it was long and it flowed. It was a red base and had black lace over top, the body was a corset and was simply beautiful.

"Dipper it's beautiful.... But how did you find this?!" He sat up and walks over to you grabbing a hold of your waist and kissing the side of your head. "I can't tell you." He chuckles. You rush to the bathroom and put it mostly on. You needed someone to tighten and tie the back. You open the door holding the front of the dress, and walking through your bedroom to your door. "I can tie it for you." You stopped. Feeling dipper grabbing the strings and pulling on them really tightly, until it's perfect. You go to a mirror and look at yourself, putting on light makeup, eye liner, that's it actually. You pair the dress with your boots. You didn't really have other shoes except chucks and flip flops.

"I'm ready!" You grabbed your purse. You look over to dipper, looking spell bound. "I didn't know it would look that amazing." He walked over to you and hugged you. You blush hugging back.

You two broke apart and headed down stairs. "(Y/n) who is that?" You hear your aunt ask. You look over and see your aunt and uncle sitting on the couch. "This is dipper." Your aunt smiled. "Have you never met him and Mabel?" You stare at your aunt. "I've met Mabel tons of times but never him. Is this your boyfriend?" A huge blush takes over your's and dipper's face. "Actually yes I am. It's so nice to meet you." Your heart racing. "We better get going!" You grab dipper's hand and move past them. Grabbing your car keys. You see your aunt out side. "Oh remember I won't be back until the first!!!" You yell reminding your aunt and she nods.

You start the car and haul ass to dipper's. You arrive and see Mabel outside and she waves. You and dipper get out and you open the trunk, dipper grabbing your bags. Mabel notices your dress and runs over. "You're dress is beautiful!!!!" She says looking you up and down. "Thanks, dipper got it for me!" You said smiling. You see Mabel look at dipper confused. "HOW DID YOU AFFORD THIS?! THIS IS A $600 DRESS!" Mabel yelled. Dipper looks away and you look at him shocked. "SIX HUNDRED?! dipper you didn't have too... Please tell me you got it for a bargain." He shakes his head. "I saved and saved. I wanted you to have something nice for tomorrow night. I got you a few other gifts too. But they're hidden and you have to find them." You glared at him. "You're were spoiling me before we even got together." He smiles and kisses your head. "Yeah, it's how I am." He wraps his arm around your shoulder and walks you to the mystery shack. You click the button on your key and lock your car. Mabel just stares at you two.

You turn back and wink at her, she smiles and walks back to the guy she was talking to.

You and dipper go to his room and he grabs some clothes and heads to the shower you lay on his bed and close your eyes.

"So you two are together now?" You hear Mabel's voice, sounding a bit cocky. "Him and I haven't really talked about it. But he told me he loves me and I said it back. And my aunt asked if he's my boyfriend and dipper said yeah. But I'd still like to be asked if I'd like to be his girl friend." You still had your eyes closed. "Then will you be my girl friend?" You heard dipper's voice and your eyes flew open. "Of course!" You smiled and he smiles back.

You sit up and dipper sits next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. "So what's the plan for today?" You ask turning your head to dipper. "I thought I'd take you to a nice restaurant, a real date and spend the day with you." You smile. "We are going out side the city and won't be back until tomorrow." You get a confused face. "Oh?" He smiled.
Dipper stands up and gets a bag and puts a few clothes in it. And some lotion.

"Let's get going!" Dipper picks up your bag and you walk out to the parking lot, if you could really call it that. You start walking to your car. "Hey! (Y/n) over this way." You see dipper opening the back to a black CRV and putting the bags in. "We're taking my car this time, I think your car needs a break." You look at your car and put a hand on it. "I'm sorry I love you" you whisper to your car. 

You get in dipper's car, passenger seat. It felt weird. He drives off toward Washington, which is the direction of your old home.

After a few hours you're reaching the exit that would take you to your home town, and you feel sick. Your stomach starts to hurt, you watch as you pass the exit. Sadly there were two more that could take you to your town. You pass those as well, another hour goes by and you reach this really quaint town.

You get to this erie looking mansion. "This is where we are staying tonight. They say it's haunted, it use to be own by this plantation owner who was murdered by their workers. You told me how you never been ghost hunting so I thought, for the later part of our date... We could go hunting for ghosts." You smiled widely at the fact that dipper is giving you your dream date. You get out and check into the hotel room: 560.

The hotel clerk looks at you worried. "What's wrong?" You asked. "It's just that's where the owner was killed. And you hear screaming in the middle of the night." The clerk looks down at the phone that just happen to ring as he finished. You walk to the room and put your stuff on the bed. "I'm going to change then we can head to dinner." You see him take off his shirt and grab a black suit from his bag. "Okay? How fancy will this dinner be?" He smiles. "I guess you'll find out."

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