2. The Band

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It was so weird, everything being so quiet and no one around, since the band has really taken off noise was constant. I laid on my couch listening to news caster Diane announce the tour. Our pictures were shown and even short video clips, how did we get here? I assumed we would always be a small band in Ohio, now we've been all over the world. Going on our second tour. I tried to recall everywhere we were going, impossible.

"NICK" I heard Kevin bellow from outside, I rolled off the couch and onto the floor before dancing up to the sliding glass door that Kevin's face was currently pressed up against. That man, one of my best friends. I wonder what the band would have been like if he was one of the original members. I had stayed with this band thick and thin because it was my life and music was my passion. Thinking back to the old band, Kevin impatiently pretended to lick the glass door.

"Yes Kevin? What is it? Why couldn't you come in?" I said a little louder than normal so he could hear me clearly through the glass door between us, he refused to open it.

"Nick, listen. Let's go to a club tonight, doesn't that sound fun? We can go dancing and get our drink on" Kevin plead. I could tell he really wanted to go out and the last time we did shut up and dance was born. Funny to think about that, maybe we could go back the echo, it sure was fun last time. After I got over wanting a drink and just shut up and danced... That never gets old.

"Okay Kevin, just call Eli and Sean okay? Make sure they know we're going and they're invited." I said and then turned my back. A shower and maybe a trip to the hair dressers seems necessary. My hair dye had faded, so I wanted a new streak. Kevin's looked perfect even faded, possibly even better. How did he always look perfect? It's hard to have his shadow, maybe he should just be the lead singer in the band and I can step down.

I drag my foot around in the carpet staring at my phone, I know being humble is okay but I put myself down a lot. I'm always so happy that being sad destroys me inside. Kevin just seems to have such a big fan base, he was so cute and talented. Yeah people though I was cute.. Whatever not important, I need to get my hair done.

My appointment set I was ready to go, I'd have to think about colors in the car and maybe stop to pick up some face paint later.


I have no clue why we decided to drive all the way to Pennsylvania to go to a club. I guess Ohio just really isnt a place for partying. Also maybe a little less of a chance of being recognized. In LA no one cared to the extent of an entire club shutting down. Small towns are hard though, even in Pittsburgh. Eli parked the car and I stretched my legs, please I booked a hotel. I would not have been able to make that drive all the way back tonight. The music bounced and vibrate my body from here, it made my drowsiness and sadness lessen. Kevin bounded in, usually I'd be next to him with eli and Sean shaking their heads behind us. Today I paced myself behind Eli and Sean, they looked back at me a little nervous. Kevin was socializing within no more than five minutes into the busy club in the small town of Pittsburgh. I sat down at the bar, this the cleanest club I have ever seen. Much more clean than most people would expect. Tapping my finger tips on the bar table top was a bad habit of mine, it annoyed most of the band. Heck it annoyed most people, so feeling a hand slap mine down didn't surprise me. What did was the beautiful brunette in the thick framed glasses staring at me exasperated. Yelling about how it was the third time she had asked me to stop.

"I am so sorry, I didn't hear you. It's very loud and I was in deep thought, I'll stop now. I know my friends yell at me all the time" I apologized sincerely. She smiled sheepishly, a slight blush covering her face. Was it from the heat of the club or the awkward contact?

"It's okay, you're extremely handsome. I can let it go, only if you dance with me. If that's okay with you, don't let me pressure you. Don't feel stressed out to" she rushed the end of her request, looking guilty.

My hand brushing against hers, "I would love to dance with you" I felt my goofy smile spread across my face, but I watched as a beautiful smile break on to her gorgeous face. I stood up and held my hand out to lead her to the dance floor. She stood up and curtsied, leaving us in a fit of giggles. It fell slightly more silent while the DJ readied the next song, which I was extremely familiar with. Shut up and dance blared through the club and I watched as this wonder bounced up and down clearly exhilarated by the song.

Snapping around violently grabbing my arm we paced out to the middle of the dance floor. In a moment of what seemed like weakness, this girl got up on her tip toes and whispered "I'm a really bad dancer, but I like to dance like no one is looking cause they really don't care. If it's so horrible you might die, just let me know" her face a darker shade of red now. Still hand in hand I spun her around striking the nerdiest dance move I could think of. She failed to contain her laughter as we let the music flow through us. As tired of this song I was, it was still mine and this girl gave me so much energy. It's like I saw the song in a different light.

I could not let this one get away. She was radiant, like the sun. I only get this excited when performing usually. Who is this girl?

The song ended and gripped her hand tightly, my eyes begging her not to go. Her returned the painfully tight grip and grinned, I guess not wanting to be lost in the crowd either. I searched the club high and low for the boys. I tugged my phone out of my pocket, 5 am! I realize now scanning the crowd it had thinned out. My friend had seemed to realize that as well, now looking a little pale and nervous.

She tugged on my sleeve, whispering "you aren't going to drug me right?" I smiled "no " I was already drugged by the smell of her hair and curves of her lips. My ears begged to hear the sound of her voice and my mind begged to learn her name.

"Who are you?"

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