Start from the beginning

Scott shook his head, correcting, "No, we saw a casket, remember? She wasn't in it. Yeah, the Calaveras heard that Kate had been killed by an alpha's claws, they wanted to make sure that she was really dead. Her body was healing, more and more, until she got closer to the full moon. She was coming back, so they switched out the bodies. They took her. When a hunter's bit, they have to take their own life before they changed. The Calaveras, they treat the code like law, they make it their responsibility to enforce it."

From between them, Malia spoke up, "Good for her. I wouldn't do it either."

Foster had to fight back her remark, but was unable to keep from doing so. "You also didn't murder dozens of innocent people like Kate."

Scott nodded in agreement. "She didn't just kill people before, she killed a dozen people to get out. Would you do that?"

After hearing this, Kira finally worked up the nerve to inquire, "So Kate's a werewolf now?"

Unsure, Scott voiced, "I don't know. You know, there's a saying, sometimes the shape you take reflects the person you are."

Foster thought back to when they learned that saying back during last year with Jackson when he had shifted into a giant lizard. That was definitely not the highlight of Foster's year. If anything, that was just all kinds of bizarre and weird. Then again, it couldn't be considered any weirder than a Darach and a Nogitsune. 

"What kind of shape is sociopathic bitch?" Lydia was quick to question, Foster smiling faintly at Lydia's words.

Before anyone could say anything else, Kira's body was flying into Foster's, the two girls slamming against the wall of the jeep. The jeep rattled around them, all six of them being tossed around like dolls in a play car. It was almost like being in a minor car accident, it felt like something collided with the jeep.

Roscoe faltered after this, dying down to the stop. Despite Stiles' efforts to start the engine back up, Roscoe merely sputtered before dying back down again. All of the teenagers stared at one another in confusion, unsure what could have possibly hit them at this point. They were the only ones out here except for Braeden. Right?

"Did something just hit us?" Foster exclaimed, tearing her seat belt off while the teenagers clambered out of the vehicle.

As Scott, Stiles, and Foster ran to the front of the jeep, Stiles voiced in annoyance, "I think so."

Malia, Kira, and Lydia came out as well, the teenagers glancing around in confusion for what could be the culprit of this. Foster was definitely on edge about this entire situation to say the least, so on edge that she didn't even notice Braeden stop her bike and approach them all.

"What happened?" the mercenary demanded, Foster glancing over at the woman who was coming up beside them.

"I don't know," Stiles remarked immediately, searching for tools or even a reason as to why Roscoe died down. "It felt like we hit something."

Foster shook her head, certain that it wasn't just some bump in the road they hit. It felt like a force crashing into them, like a collision.

"Or something hit us," she voiced, bending over beside Scott near the hood of the jeep.

"Scott, we need to get there by night," Braeden informed the werewolf, causing him to glance over at her in questioning. How were they to get there is Stiles' jeep wasn't working? They had to get this fixed before they could think about moving ahead. "It's too dangerous otherwise.

Hesitant, Scott looked over toward Foster and Stiles in search of guidance as to what to do. Foster didn't want to give an answer to him, and she had no idea what was running through Stiles' mind. The fact that it was dangerous out here at night terrified her, but they Malia and Kira, and potentially a wrench to defend themselves with. Besides, she needed to look at the bigger picture. The sooner they saved Derek, the sooner they got out of Mexico.

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