•Chapter 2•

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At the guild, I saw everyone getting ready for Valentines day which was tomorrow. I felt warm inside since a lot of people had a valentine. I saw Erza change into a cooking outfit.

"Hey Erza. Who are you giving your valentine to?" I smiled.

"What? Oh, no one..." She blushed and turned away.
I smiled and laughed.

"It's for Jellal, isn't it?" She turned and looked at me. Her face grew red.
Well, at least she had a valentine. I looked down.

"Hey Lucy. What's the matter?"
I looked back up and saw Gray.

"Oh, hey Gray. Nothing really. Just kinda tired." I smiled weakly.

"Oh. Well, do you have a valentine?" He smiled. When he said that, Natsu popped into my head. My heart skipped a beat.

"Ummm, no. Well, I don't think so."

"What about Natsu?"
I blushed deeply.

"I don't think Natsu is that type of person to give a valentine to someone in the guild." I chuckled lightly.

I saw Gray's face sadden.

"So you don't have one?" He asked.


"Oh. Well, how about I be your valentine?" He smirked.

"Eh?" I blushed.

"Well I mean, just as a friendly valentine. It's kinda sad to see you not get one, that's why."

"Oh. Thanks Gray."
Its really nice of Gray to do that. I guess he also thought Natsu was going to be my valentine too. Come to think of it, I didn't see Natsu anywhere in the guild. Wonder what's been up with him lately...

"Well, I'll see you later, Lucy." Gray waved.

"Okay, see you!"

I started to walk home. As I was walking, I started to think about all the times I was with Natsu. Ugh, why am I always thinking about him?

"Ah! Snap out of it Lucy!" I yelled at myself. I sighed. I can't get him off my mind. What's up with me all of a sudden?

"Happy Valentines Day!" everyone in the guild said as I entered. When I walked in, I saw the guild all decorated with balloons and hearts.

"Wow! It looks so pretty!" I smiled.
I turned and looked saw people giving each other valentines. I saw Levy give some to Gajeel, Erza and Jellal, Evergreen and Elfman, and Lyon gave some to Juvia. How nice... Everyone got into the spirit.

"Hey Lucy. Happy Valentines Day." Gray smirked.

"Oh hey Gray. Yeah, Happy Valentines Day!" I smiled.

"Here's your valentine gift." Gray said as he handed me a box.

"Thanks Gray."
I looked down. I was feeling happy yet sad at the same time. Where's Natsu? I guess he doesn't like spending Valentines Day at the guild.

I felt my eyes were beginning to water, but I held in my tears. I couldn't lie to myself anymore. I honestly wanted Natsu to be my valentine... But I guess he just doesn't want to be anyone's. At that point, I couldn't hold my sadness anymore. Tears started to run down my face.

"Ah! Lucy, what's wrong?" Gray asked.

"Gray... Thank you for the valentine. But, I just thought this year Natsu would be mine...." I said as I covered my face.

"Oh... I see. That idiot."

Even though it was an insulting name to call Natsu, I agreed with him. I guess Natsu really doesn't care about anyone else's feelings.

{NatsuxLucy} - My FeelingsWhere stories live. Discover now