Chapter 7 ❤️

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I am in the middle of staring the ceiling when my phone started ringing, and it didn't surprise me to see who's calling.

​Who would dare to call in the middle of the night?

​Who else would it be?

​"Come to my place." He just said and then hanged up.

​I sighed, stared at my phone and thought about it.

​Am I going?

​This punk's really enjoying ordering things around.


​I love this punk...

​In the end, I found myself sneaking out from my house and ran my way to where he is.

That jerk! Always asking tiring things!

I looked at the time, I can no longer catch the last bullet train, damn it!

There's no way I'm going to use any of the car inside the yard, 'cause for sure, a butler will tail me!

I chose to just run, just like the old times. And I was just passing few houses away when I saw a person leaning back on his car, hands on his pockets.

I remember a particular person everytime I see someone making the same pose as he does.

I even thought it's him.

But since it's dark, I couldn't see the face of that person.

I shrugged my shoulders, anyway, Oji is waiting in his house and...

"I'm going to kill you!" That person said as soon as I pass by in front of him!

And I initially stopped from running to give him a long look!


"Idiot!" He hissed, "As I thought, you'll come to my house panting! Seriously! I told you I'm going to kill you if you're going to do that again! Are you purposely making me worried?!"

I stupidly stared at his face for a moment.


I never thought that such word exists!

"Y...You're waiting for... me... here?" I asked after I overcome my shock.

He smirked, "Ofcourse, who would I wait?" he asked back and then went at the other side of the car.

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere else where no one is annoying." He simply said yet I wasn't able to understand what he meant. Still, I chose to hop in to his car.

But it technically shocked me when he suddenly pulled me and kissed my lips as soon as I got in.


He winked, "Payment for picking you up." He uttered and then drove off.

While me... I just quietly stared at him.


Undeniably attractive...

This attractive devil suddenly came to my life, distracting my empty heart and melting my icy lifestyle.

Hmp! Such a devil.

But if a devil like him can make me smile like this. Can make me feel like this. Then I don't care him... being a devil.

"I thought so! I'll find you guys here!"

They were in the middle of drinking session inside that bar when Norie showed up.

Jess literally smiled widely. It's obvious that the girl texted Norie and told them where they are.

"Hey... the princess of the 'prince' has arrived." Tom teased that made him chuckle.

"Shut up." He uttered then gulped on his bottled beer.

"Hi guys!" Norie cheery said and then sat beside him. "Hi Prince!"

He gave the girl a smile, "Hi."

"Whoa, what's up with the cold 'hi'?" Richard commented, "We heard that Norie transferred to your academy, does that mean there's already something between you guys?"

He moved his jaw, "Nothing."

"Nothing?" Tom echoed, "As in nothing yet?"

Norie giggled, the girl's obviously enjoying the topic. "Hey... don't push your friend so hard." She said, using that seductive tone of her voice.

"They'll surely come to that, right Prince?" It's Jess.

"Don't worry Norie, Prince is still enjoying to his toy so he doesn't want to be serious yet." Richard mumbled that raised Norie's curiosity.


"Uh well, it's because the Prince here found someone to play with." Jessica explained to her friend. Not realizing that he suddenly turned quiet.

"Someone to play with?"

Jessica giggled, "Don't take it seriously. Prince easily disposes his toys whenever he feels tired from them. Well, since you already transferred in their academy, do you see someone unusual that will get the Prince' attention?"

Norie's eyebrows met. Obviously, she's not enjoying the conversation anymore!

Prince has a toy?

In their academy?

Then who is that bitch?

"Aren't you guys done yet?" he then talked that made Norie feel more oblivious. "Just stop talking about her." He ordered.

Jessica chuckled, "What is it now? Don't tell me you're acting weirdly because of that toy of yours? Whoa! That's new! You never cared to any of you..."

The girl initially stopped talking when he stood up.

"I'll go first." He coldly said and then dismissed his self in that place, leaving Jessica embarrassed while Tom and Richard didn't bothered to comment.

But not Norie!

He's in his way on his car when Norie stopped him by holding his arm.

"Who is it?"

He looked at the girl. Whoa. Looking at it, this girl sure is a tigress. Just by the way she looks at him right now, he can easily conclude that.

"What do you mean?"

"Who is that girl?"

He smiled amusingly, "Why are you so curious about her?"

"Is she in the same class with you?"

"Hey... take it easy. Don't believe everything they say." he meant Jess, Tom and Richard.

Norie blinked, the girl's not convinced with what he's saying.

"You mean she's not real?"

He sighed impatiently, "Stop that already."

"Is that the reason why you stopped looking at me?" Norie still insisted that started to piss him off! "Hey!" then the girl shook his arm, "Is she?"

With a grim face, he stared at the girl. "I never looked at you." He bluntly said and he felt how Norie trembled by the way she's holding his arm. He's not that ill-hearted to not feel guilty to what he said.

It's just that, this girl's really so annoying for the past few days that it's pissing him off already.

"I see." Norie said nodding, then she smiled mockingly, "You think I'll believe that? I was the reason why you moved back here right?" the girl confidently said that swayed him a little.

In fact, that's the truth.

Norie is the reason.


"Silence means yes right?"

He sighed, "Yes." He admitted. There's no way he would lie about that matter because that really is the case back then.


Norie then smiled widely, "Then go out with me."

He smirked. "You're crazy."

"I am." The girl bravely said, "And I like you... a lot. And if it isn't true that you're toying someone else in our academy, then go out with me."

He quaked his head, "Don't try to manipulate me lady. It won't work, trust me." He coldly said and then walked away, leaving the girl speechless.

Norie watched Oji walk away from her.

This is the first time that someone rejected her and she doesn't like it.

"I'm going to find who's the person that's taking your attention and ruin her life right in front of you, Takayashi Oji." She firmly said with her fists clenched tightly.

"Hmm, today is December three, we need to pass the project for speech two days from now, then the math equations on the December 6th," Setsuna kept babbling while fixing her organizer.

It's been Setsuna's habit to organize her schedules and what I can just do is to patiently watch her.

"Then..." Setsuna's eyes widened, "Three weeks from now is already your birthday!" the girl said so thrilled that crumpled my face.

"Don't be too loud." I reminded her. Some were still inside our homeroom and can hear what Setsuna's saying.

"Your birthday is on Christmas eve right? How are we gonna spend it? Is it like the previous year? We'll celebrate it in my house and wait until Christmas comes and then play snowballs together?"

I rolled my eyes. "Don't be so excited about it. I'm not going anywhere this year." I casually said.

Setsuna pouted, "So mean. Come on, just celebrate it with me."

I chuckled while quaking my head.

Truth is, I really want to celebrate it with her, my only true friend. My only family. But I'm not that selfish to take away one important day of the year from her. I used to celebrate my birthday with her for the previous years, but it's different now, Setsuna already has a boyfriend.

And it'll be better if she's going to spend the Christmas eve with him without a freeloader.

"Hmm, can I just ask a birthday present?" I asked that widened Setsuna's eyes. This is the first time that I'm open about something.

"My goodness! What a miracle! You're actually asking for a birthday present now! Come on, tell me! Quickly tell me or you might change your mind!"

I spun my eyes, "Spend the Christmas eve with your boyfriend."

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