Chapter 2 -- His Daily Life

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"Idiot. It's only nine in the morning, so stop complaining."

Arthur fixed his companion with an annoyed look as the one in question just grumbled at first and walked in and behind the counter, dropping off all his things out of sight before straightening and looking back at the other blond. "...Yeah, well that's just cause you're used to these stupidly early hours, Artie--"

"It's ARTHUR--"

 "...anyway... like I was saying,  you're used to this whole 'waking up in the morning' thing, dude. I actually like doing that other thing where I get to sleep in..." This comment got a bit of a glare shot his way from Arthur but he just shrugged it off, heading into the back while muttering something about 'uptight' and being british or something of the like but Arthur just rolled his eyes and went about straightening things up front in the mean time as he waited for the other blond to return - hopefully dressed properly in his work apron. The man happened to be none other than his childhood friend, Alfred F. Jones, a loud-mouthed, opinionated american lad he'd met not long after he'd moved to New York with his parents those many years ago. At the time he'd been so loud and irritating due to his age, and he hadn't been able to stand him; a great gap between then and now, even if not by much.

Sure, Alfred still bothered the ever-loving daylights out of him but he was more tolerable for the most part, getting points in his book for actually having agreed to help work here for him on some of his less strenuous days in college. Honestly with how the other had acted, he'd figured he'd never get out of high school successfully, so when Alfred had told him that he got into college, it had been more than a little bit of a surprise. Sighing at this thought, he went about double-checking the till and making sure everything was ready incase anyone showed up, only to be interrupted from his thoughts when a certain voice called out from the back, somewhat muffled by the door between them.

"Dude! Want me to take these cookies out now or later? The oven's smoking, bro..."

"Bloody hell! The sodding cookies! Yes, get them out of there right now, Alfred!!" Arthur screeched, racing back into the kitchen. He'd forgotten about them with the other arriving and Peter having talked to him before running off to school and now that was a whole batch of chocolate chip cookies going to be wasted--

Hold on.

The second Arthur got into the kitchen, he wasn't met with the smell of burning cookies or a smoking oven, but rather the raucous laughter of none other than Alfred who was leaning on a counter, looking really quite pleased with himself and nearly doubled over with his laughing. "Ahahahaha! oh my god, you should see the look on your face, Artie! You totally fell for that! ahahaha..!!" Oh. No. That little wanker was going to get it!! Rage welled up and Arthur grabbed the nearest object - a spatula - and threw it violently at the American's head in clear and obvious annoyance, scowling at him and not being phased by the whiny complaint he recieved from doing so. "God help you if those cookies really are at all burnt, you little sod." He ground out, about to continue that moody train of thought when the huffy, pouting blond moved aside to reveal the tray of cookies in question, looking pristine and a delectable golden brown and entirely unburnt... and really making him feel a little guilty for having tossed something at Alfred.  Well... only partially as for that joke nearly giving him a heart-attack was really honestly not at funny.

"...Don't do that again, alright?'

Arthur turned to go back into the main part of the bakery, only to run into a solid object. A very solid object that soon made it's presence known in the most irritating fashion. "Oh hon hon hon~ Bonjour, mon amie! Quite a wonderful morning isn't it?" Of all people. Why him and WHY now?! A glare was shot up at the man in question; a tall man dressed neatly in fashionable clothes, with vibrant, wavy, shoulder length hair, blue eyes and quite possibly the most annoying smile on his stupid french face.  "...What in the Queen's name are you doing here, Francis? I am really not in the mood for your idiocy." His words were only met with an amused smile and a laugh. "I came to see you, of course! If I didn't, surely your day would not be as bright, no? Seeing as I am most certainly so enlightening! Besides, I didn't bring Gilbert or Antonio along this time so do not worry your precious little head off, Arthur." Said man went to respond to this irritably but abruptly stiffened, an eye twitching as he shot the frenchman a look that absolutely promised death in the worst way.

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