Chapter 1

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Another day running from the cops. I jump and started climbing the building. Once I got to the top I ran till I couldn't hear the cop cars no longer.

I had a hoodie on so when I jumped down. I made my way to my little part of the city. I went to the old abandoned building. My room was messy, like normal. So much stuff was all over.

I just stoll from this family so much gold and jewelry. "I can sell this shit tomorrow...I'm so tired."

Then my slave\friend walks in. He's just as dirty as me. He gives me in tell about people so I can steal from them. His name is Sae. "What up?"

"The Yuma family just got a $10,000 dollar necklace from the grandmother that's died."

"10,000! But the Yuma family is the director family right?"

"Yeah, Rin Yuma the director, Suni Yuma...and there sons the twins Aio and Emi."

"And you want me to break in? How big is the home?"

"21 bed room 15 bathroom."

"That thing is like a castle."

"But the necklace is in room 15. And I stole the blue prints"

"Let me see" He shows me. All the rooms. I remember the 3 story house in 5 seconds. "I'll go tomorrow night..."

"I'll get your weapons cleaned and read."

"Good." Sae got cleaning my things I got and I lay down on my sleeping bag on a old mattress.

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