Bucky disappears to his room and returns with a worn bag filled with stuff. He looks at Steve quietly. Steve pulls him into another hug then leads him out. Bucky grabs the camera in a last minute decision.

The air outside was cold and Bucky suddenly regrets not being smart enough to pack a jacket. Steve notices and gives Bucky his jacket. They were a block away from Steve's house/the Rogers cafe. Bucky sighs and keeps walking. A black van comes squealing up to them and armed men jump out of the back. Bucky cries out as he's grabbed and dragged away from Steve. Steve punches and kicks but one of the men bash him in the head with the butt of their gun and he falls to the ground. Bucky screeches and someone covers his mouth with a rag. His eyes flutter shut and he's consumed by darkness.


Bucky woke up cold and tied down to a table. He tries to sit up but pain shoots through his chest and he gasps.

"James. I am Arnim Zola. I have been vatching you for a vhile now." A piggy looking man says, leaning over him. Zola adjusts his small round glasses and moves away.

"What do you want!" Bucky shouts, turning his head to look at him.

"You are my test subject." Zola explains after writing down something on a clipboard.

"For what!" Bucky cries, fear gripping him as he watches Zola pick up a large needle with a thick gray liquid in it.

"That does not matter." Zola answers, tapping the side of the syringe. Bucky screams as Zola plunges the needle into the side of his neck. The liquid feels too thick going into his vein and he screams as a wave of pain follows.

Constantly screaming... Everything burned... Was he dead? He wanted to be dead...

Zola leans over him. "Day thirteen of trials. Subject is still alive. He continues to call for Steve." He speaks as he writes. Has he been here thirteen days? He missed Steve. Zola give him another injection and he screams until his voice finally gives out. Everything after that is blurry.

"Day twenty. Subject is still alive and ve vill be testing a new method." Zola writes down as he speaks. He smiles disturbingly at Bucky.

"Vill you please come in Brock." Zola says and a tall man with dark hair wanders in he grabs Bucky by the hair. Zola having undone the restraints. The blows come quickly, one after another. Bucky remains limp the entire time. He'd be on the floor if it weren't for the chains around his wrists. His head falls forward and he stares at the drops of dark scarlet dripping like rain onto the cement floor. Another blow and he hears something break. Probably his nose. He tasted iron and spits orange tinged saliva onto the floor. His knees hurt from being in this position for so long.

He was on the table again... How did that happen? He could hear Zola talking and his pencil scratching the paper.

"Day thirty five. Subject is rarely conscious and needs time to heal before ve continue vith the physical method." He says. There's loud noises that cause Bucky to feel like someone's trying to split his head open. He closes his eyes and wishes it away. Suddenly he hears Zola squeak and he looks over slowly. He recognizes Steve amongst the crowd of new people before he passes out.


Bucky wakes up in a too bright, white room. There was needles in his arm and that caused him to panic. He thrashes and jerks away. There's a sharp sting in his neck then darkness.


He wakes up in a too bright, white room and there were needles in his arm. He panics. Suddenly Steve is pinning him down and whispering reassuringly to him. Bucky calms down and clings to Steve weakly. Steve strokes his hair and gently kisses his forehead.

"I was scared I'd lost you." Steve breathes, stroking his hair carefully. "Bucky I'm in love with you." Steve says, Bucky nods. He had the same feelings for Steve but right now he just wanted to feel okay. He doesn't say anything and neither does Steve. He continues to run his fingers through Bucky's hair.


It had been several months and Zola had confessed that he had been testing on Bucky to create a super human. The tests didn't do anything but make Bucky absolutely terrified of hospitals and needles and promise him a long recovery. Steve was a lot of help, helping him deal with his problems and Bucky's not quite sure he'd have been able to be so adjusted already without him. After Bucky became more relaxed around people again he confessed that he also loved Steve. Three years later Steve proposed and they got married. Bucky and Steve lived together happily 'til the end of the line.

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