"We don't have much room in our car." Victoria says as Jazzy turns to them to ask for a ride home.

Jazzy turns to Jamie and I and we both chuckle. "Ya we have kids to put to bed then we have to go to bed." Jamie says.

"So I'm stuck here?" Jazzy asks. "No you can get cab." I say in my nicest tone possible.

Jazzy glares at me before taking out her phone. "We'll be inside." I say before walking inside.

My phone rings and I groan slightly annoyed of the phone calls I'm getting tonight.

"What." I say answering the phone.

"Geez never mind, I just wanted to know what you want from Canada." Niall says.

"Oh sorry Niall it's been a big night that's all." I say.

"It's okay, I'll just let it be a surprise." Niall says.

"Okay thank you Niall." I say before he hangs up.

My phone then blows up with emails and I groan. "Um Peter open my emails and if I get any important work messages, invitations, or anything important tell me." I say tossing Peter my phone.

Everyone walks in and I watch as Jazzy climbs into the backseat of a cab.

"Um Mrs. Dornan you and your family are invited to a Los Angeles Kings game and Los Angeles Dodger game. Also you have some manuscripts, and a email from the hospitals Chief of Surgery." Peter says handing me back my phone.

"Your a fast reader." I say grabbing my phone from him. "I like to read." Peter says smiling before walking outside to guard the door.

"So did you want to go to the games?" I ask Jamie. "Sure." Jamie says smiling. "I'm going to give the kids a bath." Jamie says kissing my forehead before saying goodbye to the Beckham's.

"We're gonna go and find Brooklyn, thank you for having us over. I'm sorry for the drama our son has made." Victoria says frowning.

I smile and give them all hugs before they leave.

I slowly make my way upstairs with the help of Meredith even though I was capable of doing it by myself.

"The Kings game is tomorrow and the Dodger game is the day after that." I say. "Okay that's fine." Jamie says smiling.

I nod and walk into the bathroom to take a shower.

I'm waken up by James' cries. I look at Jamie's side of the bed and find him sleeping peacefully.

That's weird usually Jamie would be awake by now. I grab one of Jamie's jackets and slip it on before walking to James' room.

"We need to check the room." The guard outside of James' room says. "So you need to tell me that even though my son is in there you think someone that is trying to kill me is in there?" I ask him with full anger.

"Yes ma'am." He says. "Well what the hell, my son is in there if you protect me you protect my whole family." I yell. He nods and walks in James' room with me.

I quickly pick up James and walk downstairs. "Why are yelling this early?" Jamie asks rubbing his eyes. "The guard outside James' room." I say shaking my head.

Jamie nods and I grab James' bottle and begin to feed him. "Bella should be awake, she hasn't cried yet?" Jamie asks. I shake my head and Jamie walks upstairs.

"Good morning." Sofia says greeting me. "Good morning." I say smiling. "If I may ask Mrs. Dornan what happened to Tyler?" Sofia asks taking out some food for breakfast.

Forever || Jamie Dornan Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now