Random Find

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Was perusing the interwebs, as one does...and found this little nifty thing. It essentially analyzes a piece of text you've written and breaks down your personality.



Without going into details what I pasted, this is my result:

"You are inner-directed, shrewd and strict.

You are empathetic: you feel what others feel and are compassionate towards them. You are driven: you have high goals for yourself and work hard to achieve them. And you are calm-seeking: you prefer activities that are quiet, calm, and safe.

Experiences that give a sense of self-expression hold some appeal to you.

You consider achieving success to guide a large part of what you do: you seek out opportunities to improve yourself and demonstrate that you are a capable person. You are relatively unconcerned with taking pleasure in life: you prefer activities with a purpose greater than just personal enjoyment."

Above is the visual component of my personality, according to IBM Watson (you'll likely have to use the zoom function to view it)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2015 ⏰

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