Cori smiled. But Caleb was grimancing.

"That's brilliant, believe me. But the thing is we've left all the ammo and supplies at the house. So we'd be rubbish at helping defend the farm against walkers and camping." He said glumly.

I shrugged and my blue eyes locked with his dark brown ones in the rearview mirror. "That's no problem. We've got plenty of guns and supplies." I assured him.

He and Cori nodded. "Ok." He said.

Caleb was silent for the rest of the journey while I gave Cori directions to the farm. We soon arrived and she pulled up.

We got out and Caleb got the motorbike down for me. I collected my bow and sighed frustrated at the jammed string. Maybe Daryl would be able to fix it. I shook my head at that ridicolous thought. Yeah, right. Daryl was pissed off with me.

I led Cori and Caleb to the house where we were intercepted by no suprise Daryl. Unfortunatley, my predictions were right. Daryl was really pissed.

"Where the hell have you been, Angel? Rick. Hershel and Glenn have been back hours. And who the hell are these idiots?" He fired these questions at me while aiming his crossbow at Cori and Caleb, who was pissed off as well.

"These "idiots" saved your stupid sister's neck from being bitten! So, how about some gratitude huh?" Caleb retorted.

Suprisingly, Daryl was shocked and reluctantly put his crossbow but still fixed Caleb with hell of a dirty look. I ignored them.

"This is Cori and Caleb Evers. They saved me. I kinda fell off the cliff after being spooked by a walker and nearly got bitten like he said. Their place got walkerfied, so I was wonderin' if Hershel would let them stay." I said.

Daryl looked at me. "Hershel and Rick ain't in the right moods to ask if your new friends can camp." He said, grimly.

"Why? What happened?" I asked, confused. Something must have gone on. I glanced at Cori, who was looking anxious, and Caleb, who looked as if he wanted to punch Daryl. The mood I was in at the moment on account of my injuries, I was happy enough to let him.

"While you were joyridin' on my bike, Rick and Glenn found Hershel in this bar in town, drinkin' himself to death. They got in a shootoff with this other gang. This boy fell off the roof, got his leg impaled on a spike and of course Rick went all hero and decided to bring him here. So Shane's pissed as usual. I don't know what they're plannin' to do with the kid." Daryl told me moodily.

I nodded. "Well, they need to crash for the night. If Hershel and Rick are better tempered tomorrow, I'll ask them. I need to." I said.

Daryl nodded back. "Fine. I'll see if we've got two spare tents." He grumbled and went off.

I rolled my eyes and turned to Cori and Caleb. I smiled apologetically. "Sorry about him." I said.

Cori smiled back and shrugged. "Brothers, what can you do?" She joked. Caleb looked at her, offended by this comment.

"Hey, Angel has the annoying brother. I, however, am the ideal brother." He smirked. Despite his obvious arrorgance in this statement, I couldn't help but laugh at him. He was, I had to admit, funny.

Now it was Cori's turn to roll her eyes. "Yeah, right. Keep telling yourself that, bro." She shot back, jokingly.

I smiled at their antics. "Don't worry, we're always like this." I said.

Cori shrugged again. "Hey, it's no biggie. So are we." She smiled and dug Caleb in the ribs with her elbow playfully.

"Oww!" Caleb moaned and rubbed his side with his hand. Cori and I burst out laughter at his reaction.

Like Brother - A Daryl Dixon/walking dead fanficWhere stories live. Discover now