"Is the baby alright?!" Mey-Rin asked.

 We all looked in and saw a skull wrapped in a blanket. I tried calming them down, but they stopped when the lady began talking.

 "This child was eaten by it." She said, a slight emphasis on the "it". She then began singing. "The white dog is a good dog. The disobedient, black dog is a bad dog. Lullaby, the sun sets. Lullany and good night. If you don't go to sleep, the dog will come down here. He'll gobble your flesh down to the bone."

 Finni got back in the carriage attachment. Meanwhile I heard Ciel explain why we were here to Sebastian. As soon as the lady disappeared into the mist, Tanaka got the carriage back into movement.

 After another long bit of driving,and me taking iver Tanaka's place, we saw a beautiful lake. The others came up to the front with me and we stared at it.

 "It's startin' to actually look like a resort!" Baldroy said. 

 We began our decent down the hill and made our way into town, where it was quite terrifying. Dogs in cages roughly barked at any people passing by.

 We saw a young man making his dog do tricks. The dog was so cute and resembled a german shepherd. 

 "Wow, I'd like him to pet me, yes!" Mey-Rin said. 

 "That dog. Might be a german shepherd. Very loyal, protective, and a great companion. Always wanted one." I said.

 I listened closely on Ciel's and Sebastian's conversation. 

 "If you have something to say, just say it." Ciel said.

 "Thank you, my lord." Sebastian replied. "I love cats, but I'm not fond of dogs. Or rather, to be frank I hate them."

 After an akward moment of silence, Ciel and I said, "Woof."

 Sebastian looked back at Ciel, then both of them looked back at me and I let out a little laugh.

 "I can't choose. Dogs are loyal companions, then cats are just majestic creatures." I said.

 They made no comment and Sebastian kept driving. I followes until we made our way to a dark manor. As we pulled up, Angela walked out.

 "The Earl Phantomhive, I presume?" She asked Sebastian. 

 "Yes." He replied. 

 She bowed. "Welcome to the Barrymore Castle. My master awaits your arrival." She said, with a bright smile.

 "Sh-She's beautiful, yes!" Mey-Rin stammered.

 Finni looked at her with bright eyes and I scowled.

 (( Slight timeskip into manor/castle/thing ))

His Futuristic Kitten Sebastian x readerWhere stories live. Discover now