Those Random Acts

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you know how you've grown up hearing not to take candy from strangers? well, what if you were at a candy store and somebody randomly gave you ten dollars to buy whatever candy you want? does that count?

i've grown up in such a world that i don't actually know how to respond to random acts of kindness. like the candy lady, i didn't know what to do! and it makes me feel bad now because she was just trying to be nice and i was confused. i mean seriously guys, i've been raised to suspect people. not that that's always bad, but i feel guilty for suspecting that nice lady.

and on a more serious note, when somebody compliments you, or tells you something really nice, or really moving, or...idk, emotional and supportive...

how do you respond to something that leaves you speechless?

i try to let them know im grateful, but if it's over the internet and they can't see me, it's hard to convey that message sometimes. im just glad that most people understand where im coming from when i try to thank them.

so thank you to the people that understand im trying to thank them.

that sentence made more sense in my head

but anyways, to all of you random-acts-of-kindness-doing people, i just want to let you know that people are thankful for what you do, even if they don't always know how to respond. 

until next time, 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2013 ⏰

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