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okay. so this is going to be a random rant about useless crap. and into the depths of my mind we shall now invest...

haha my sister made that up. dork.

alright. so i'm reading these really really good books right now. notice i said books, plural, because i haven't finished a single one. this is because NOT A SINGLE ONE IS DONE. and i understand the effort it takes for an author to write a quality chapter and all, but i think i speak for the general population when i say


i mean really people. the suspense is killing me. dont take this the wrong way- all of you authors out there, i love you to death. but i love your stories too, and i'll admit i have very little patience so excuse me for want ing to figure out what happens next.

if i'm being mean, or if you disagree, coment or message me. but dont expect me to be all sunshine and rainbows- i really want to read the d*mn stroies already. Sorry, not sorry

but anyways, i'm not trying to be mean. i'm just trying to point out something that a lot of people sem to be going through. next time you read a story, look at the comments on the most recent chapter. if the story isn't done yet and it's a good story, you'll see other people who are suffering through the antagonizing wait!

and please, spare us you excuses. most of your readers probably dont even know you personally, and most likely dont care why your story is late so long as they can finally read it. chill out. dont make excuses- use your time to write another chapter for your darling fans.

but lol, i've updated quite a few things of my own (not on wattpad silly) past the time i was supposed to. in a way, im just yelling at myself.

if you have something you feel needs to be ranted about, or if you have a personal coment on this matter, comment below :)

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