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okay, so recently my friend pointed out to me that i have really strange fixations about the most random things. and I've talked to my wattpad sister about it, and it's weird, hers are pretty similar. I'm in a list-y mood, so I'm going to list them for you. Compare, Contrast, enjoy!

please keep in mind some of these my be off branches of others, and in some people's mind may not be real 'obsessions'. but you know what? i dont care.

1) i like the color of ginger's hair

2) i just love gingers in general

3) i obsess over boys, who doesn't?

4) i'm strangly addicted to petting people. like, i will randomly go up to my friends and just pet their head. no joke.

5) umm... i have a tendency to bite my nails when i'm nervous, or when things get really awkward

6) my hair cannot be in my face, unlesss i want it there intentionally

7) i will point out any gingers i see, meet, etc.

my ginger obsession is BAD 

8) i talk too much

9) i never say anything important when i should, i always pick the worst times

10) when i make paper airplanes, you can rest assured they are folded PERFECTLY

11) it's 11:11, i MUST make a wish. or i will die.

12) if i see a picture with words, i have to read it. no, you may not keep scrolling, go back and let me read the tiny little letters. now.

13) i obsess over people with accents. there. i said it. 

14) i will like you forever if you get me chocolate

no i won't, but i will until you screw it up :)

15) i have an obsession with the word 'like' because 'love' is too strong, and shouldn't be used casually. 

if you ever say you love me, it will make me uncomfortable. it's okay just to like me.

16) Logan Lerman is sexy

17) i like it when gingers wear green. my wattpad sis told me about this time she called her ginger friend an Irish flag because he was white, with orange hair, and a green shirt. 

that was not meant to be racial in any way. i just said white cuz...he is. 


18) CAPS LOCK IS MY BEST FRIEND when i'm feeling dramatic

19) people that say hai to me are incredibly awesome, and i like making new friends. anybody want to be stalked?

that came out wrong. oh well.

20) wattpad families are awesome. i have a new sister, you can have her name if you ask

21) anybody that comments gets a reply, unless it ever gets to the point where i have too many people to reply to. but that will never happen :(

22) super self-confidence has never been a strength of mine

ummm... i just realized none of these are really obsessions. uhhhhh... some are. idk. ah well. you'll survive.

23) why can't i focus?

24) i think i'm insane (yes, i obsess over my mental state. it's not making it better at all)

25) people that cuss a lot are funny, cuz they have no self-respect

i think this just became a random page. my obsessions are all gone. well crap. 

i'm just going to say I HAVE A MAJOR GINGER OBSESSION. that's all i really knew i wanted to put anyways, i just didn't want all the awesome redheaded people to feel awkward.

by the way, if you're a ginger, please don't be offended. even if it sounds like i love you just for your hair, that's not true. all of you are awesome puppies, it's just that your hair makes you unique and awesome (not that you regular blonde, brunette, etc are not) in a way others can only dream about.

this is so embarrassing. but i'm posting it anyways. if you actually read it and you tell me, i will love you forever. and please remember, i don't love easily. 

dedicated to @guitarmaniac !! just for saying hi when nobody else would :)

tata for now!!

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