Do NOT Underestimate a State

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Another DAMN meeting... seriously we don't need these!

America was a no show. But For all they knew he could be inconceivably late. It was 2 hours into the meeting and he wasn't there. But they did have confirmation. In the middle of Greece talking about napping places a prairie wolf jumped through through the window and landed dead center on the table. It slid of the pack on it's back and unzipped it and sifted through the items inside. An intelligent creature. They noticed on the back the words 'Lincoln Express' as printed on it. The wolf brought out an envelope and trotted over to Germany and set it down. The animal then pulled a scroll from it's bag and handed it to China. Just as fast as it arrived, it zipped it's bag, chucked it on it's back and was soaring out the window.

Japan stared in interest. "What a truly intelligent animal. I wonder what it is?"

Germany sighed and opened the letter. A letter was the least weird thing these past few meetings. He rad the letter aloud. "Hey Dudes, So I can't make it today cause I've got a bit of problems. Not with my country though, so back off Russia. Feel free to pop by though. Also I'm a bit sick so don't mind the mess. Love, The hero." Germany turned to see a pouting Russia. "China what does yours say."

"It seems like an apology note. But the handwriting is so fancy and swirly. They put a lot of work in this, aru. It says : Hello to whomever Mr. Long-hair is but I suspect it's you China. I am so sorry about Alaska. Please except these gifts as a thanks for putting up with him. But he seems to like you so that's good. What a nice person, aru! It must be his mother." In China's other hand was a small gift box with intricate designs. He popped of the id. Inside was a tiny portrait that fit snugly in his palm. It was a beautiful painting of the Potala Palace. Also a silver ring with a ruby on it. Even a mini version of the Chinese flag and it was hand made (not in China mind you). A tear fell from his face. "This is the work a person with a kind heart,"  he turned to the rest of the world. "Unlike you ungrateful back stabbing jerks!"

He then continued to eat the little candies left inside the box. He had a feeling he'd get along with Alaska's mama. "So should we check it out? America did say to pop by."

"Sure why not. It vouldn't hurt." 

~At America's House~

"This is almost as grand as the queens palace," Britain marveled. When America said house he didn't think he meant a palace. It was beautiful. The garden was filled with vibrant colors and pretty butterflies. The air smelled fresh as rain with a hint of a flowery perfume. It was marvelous! The atmosphere was peaceful and calming. This would be a great place to get away.

They came to a pair of oaken doors and seemed hesitant to knock. Germany was about to know when the door swung open. Before them stood Alaska. "Oh you came!" he cheered. He no longer wore his parka or boots. Now he only had his scarf on and walked around in fuzzy polar bear slippers. "Come in!" As he stepped out of the doorway the nations trickled in. "I guess daddy was right when he said you'd come. He said you'd be curious!" Then he spotted China a bounded over in glee. "Mr. Lon- I mean China I'm so happy your here!" China and Alaska wet into a friendly conversation about their day so far.

"So you idiot of a father is sick?" England asked in distaste. He didn't take the little boy seriously so he felt as if he was wasting his time.This kid wasn't even a country, it was a states. "Where are your older siblings?"

"Yes father is sick. You should have seen him. All white and his eyes were foggy and he didn't give us the usual morning wake up call." Alaska answered curtly. He knew the Britain didn't see him as much but he was an American god damn it! The Americans won all the wars! "But I am the only o-"

"Hey Alaska!" The all turned to see a boy around 15 walk in. He wore a white T-shirt that said 'I love NYC'(you know what I mean' and a pair of black jeans. He had messy black hair and some bangs held up with bobby pins. He held a giant cup in his hand, and it was most likely filled with coffee. "Oh what's going on?"

Alaska's mood deflated. "H-hey York. Uh dad invited them over for a visit." He said as he sulked in the corner. He glared intently at Britain. How dare the guy not take him seriously! Then he looked at New York then back at Britain. Back and forth till he had an idea. "York do you see the man with the fucked up eyebrows?"

The other nodded as he took a swig of coffee. Britain let out an indignant 'Hey!' Alaska was so proud of himself. Sure he told mama he would be a good boy but it's not like mama ever cared as long as everything turned out okay. Yeah he'd be scolded, he hated scolds from mama and daddy, but he was't gonna be a pushover for life. Besides, mama always says don't let them look down on you. Show 'em who's the boss, or at least show them your worth it. Weird since mama let people walk over her all the time. He frowned at the thought.

"That is father's not so friendly friend Mr.Britain!" His smile grew when he saw York's expression darken and his head lowered a bit. "You should tell the others. I'm sure they'll be excited!"

New York's expression brightened. Alaska's plan worked! And we was sure he wouldn't get blamed. I mean he just said pointed out Britain and thought it was a good idea for them to meet. "I think that's a great idea. I'll get the others. Alaska please give ol' Limey and the grand tour." With that New York was gone down the hall.

"What was that all about?" Japan asked nervously. He sensed New York's dark intent, it was quiet unnerving for someone who wasn't as strong as a country. 

"Oh you'll find out~" the boy sang. "Now come, we mustn't stand here all day. York said you a tour and I'll give you a tour. The grandest grand tour in the history of greatest grand tour grand tour!"

The nations looked at each other warily, but followed. They hoped what ever was to come wasn't too bad. Yep this was gonna be the strangest thing yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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