Love is in the air?

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Natalie had woken up from a good night sleep. The past few days had been stress free for her. Natalie was glad she talked to Natasha about her, it was a big weight off her shoulders to let someone know that she could trust.

Natalie had gotten up to start the day, she jumped into the shower, singing along to her songs on her IPod, most of the songs were by Black Veil Brides, her favourite band. It was a good job her room was sound-proof, as Natalie was singing a little loud.

After she had a wash, she hopped out of the shower, brushed her hair back into a high ponytail, and got her self into her uniform.

Seeing that she was running early, Natalie took the chance to head down to the gym before breakfast. She silently made her way down the hall, not wanting to wake anyone as it was 7am.

Natalie came walking into the gym, thinking she had it al to herself, however sadly found out that someone had arrived before her.

She came walking over to the punch bags, where she saw a teenage boy, around the age of 16 practicing on one of the punch bags. At that moment in time, he had his back turned to her.

Natalie sat on one of the chairs at the side, watching the teen throwing punches and a few kicks.

He had then finished, and decided to pull his top to wipe away the sweat from his body and face. Natalie slightly blushed, but only cleared her throat to get his attention.

The boy turned around, and her eyes widen at the sight. (Picture of him at the top of chapter) She couldn't take her eyes of him. It was like, in some way, like she felt something for him. But how could she? She was trained not to love or feel anything.

Natalie soon snapped out of her little trance. "Sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on you." She said.

"It's alright. I see not the only one that likes to get to the gym early." He smiled, and Natalie returned it. "I'm Seth by the way, or Agent Stewart." Seth said, holding his hand out.

"Natalie, or Agent...Romanoff, or Valentine." Natalie said, deciding to take a chance with using her real name.

"Romanoff?" He asked. "Like, Natasha Romanoff?"

"It's a pretty common name in Russian." She lied.

"Oh, for a moment their I thought you were related to agent Romanoff. You do look like her." Seth said, grabbing his water bottle. "You the new girl who fought against Ava."

"Is it that bad that I won?" Natalie asked.

"Well she is the best fighter with have after the Black Widow."

"Black Widow?" Natalie asked, her attention becoming more sharp by that name.

"Yeah, Natasha. She's Black Widow." Seth said. "Any way, how come you join SHIELD?"

"I brought here after my school was attack, they saw me fight and wanted me and I had no better option. What about you?"

"My dads one of the trainers. I had a easy way in."

The pair then fell silent, both looking at each other. They both didn't know what, but it felt like something was happening between them. They just couldn't put their finger on it.

"Anyway, i think I better start practicing." Natalie said, breaking the silence.

"Mind if I join you? None of the others will be down here for a while and plus I was wondering if you could show me some of those moves you did the other day." Seth asked.

"Yeah, cause." Natalie smiled. She walked over to a spear punch bag, and the two teens worked on their fighting skills.

They were training for about two hours, helping each other out, and the pair were getting on really well, like they were already best friends.

With out the knowing, Brook and Ava came walking into the gym, looking for Natalie, when they saw Natalie and Seth messing around.

The two slowly went over to them, and interrupted the pair. "So how are the love birds doing?" Brook asked, laughing along with Ava.

"Love birds?" Natalie asked. "We were just training." 

"Cause you were." Ava said.

"Oh shut up!" Natalie shouted.

"It's fine Natalie. The two joke over everything." Seth said.

"We just came down here looking for you. Your weren't at breakfast so we came looking for you." Brook said, giggling slightly.

"Also Fury wants to talk to us. Apparently he wants us to all go on a mission together." Ava told her.

"Cool, well let's go. I'll see you later Seth." Natalie smiled.

"See you around." He smiled back.

Natalie walked away with the girls, and Seth kept his eyes on her. It was like something about her was pulling him in. Strange.

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