"Drew? My physics teacher, Drew?" he coughed and I frowned, not recalling who his teacher was.

"Quite," Mr Blackbourne said.

"Drew?" I looked at Nathan on my other side, "Which one is he again?"

"Tall, blonde, about thirtyish," he said and I shook my head, it rang no bells. I blew out my breath, it was one thing to crush on a teacher but quite another to have an affair with him.

"He's married," Silas said in disgust. "How did Hendricks find that out?"

"We think it was McCoy who found out," Victor said quietly, looking at Mr Blackbourne.

"How do you know that?" asked North and Victor sat back, not taking his eyes from Mr Blackbourne.

"Last night after we left here, we went to see what footage we could find," Kota said, looking around at all of us, we all knew this anyway. Victor, Kota and Luke had gone to see how many cameras he could find.

"McCoy has a camera in every classroom, and..." Victor stopped and looked away and I could see the anger in his face.

"Every girls restrooms, the showers, the cafeteria and the staff room," Mr Blackbourne carried on. Silence filled the room as everyone, including me digested his words.

"You have to be fucking joking!" Gabriel shot out. "He had a camera in the showers?"

I felt sick inside, my hand went to my heart and rubbed as it sank in what he had been able to see, to watch.

"The fucking pervert!" Nathan shot out and I saw North and Silas rise to their feet.

"He's been watching Sang Baby in the shower!" he boomed and I shook my head quickly but it was Nathan who answered for him.

"She doesn't shower at school, North, she never has, have you, peanut?"

"No, I was never able to... " I closed my eyes as it sank in what he would have seen though. "I always got changed in the restrooms." I whispered... if he had been watching he would have seen me then. I swallowed as Gabriel put his arm around me and held me tightly.

"We don't think he's been accessing them for a very long time, Sang," Victor spoke up quickly. "Once he was kicked out of the school, he would have had no access to the cameras. The ones he had installed worked on rotating principal. Three tapes are used and every three days they are erased and used again, it's an automatic thing."

"Is there one in the nurse's office or the music room?" I asked worriedly, trying to think if I had ever kissed them in there. I remembered with clarity how they had both kissed me in the music room.

"No," Mr Blackbourne came over instantly, bending towards me he took hold of my hands. "We swept those rooms and our office every day for surveillance of any kind. It is perfectly safe, Sang."

"When we say restrooms," Gabriel spoke up, his voice tight with anger. "We're talking sink area only, aren't we?"

Mr Blackbourne shook his head, his eyes on me.

"We have an alert out to catch him," Victor spoke up quickly. "We have taken all the tapes remaining, but left the cameras in place. Once we've nailed Hendricks, we're handing this over as well, the Authorities will deal with him."

My eyes closed as I realised that there had been no privacy in the actual toilet area either and bile rose in my throat. I swallowed it down and coughed as it burnt my mouth and throat. Hands gripped my face and my eyes flew open to see Sean where Mr Blackbourne had been.

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