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I sit in my 9th period class and watch the clock, the teacher was saying something about not forgetting what we learned over break but all I could think about was 21 minutes.. Which turned to 20 minutes .. Then 19. I felt a pencil tap on my shoulder.

I turn around to face Luke, the trouble maker in class who sits behind me on   E v e r y class.

"Want to leave now?" He asks.


"You were watching the clock, you obviously want to leave." I could feel his breath on my neck.

"No. I'm not getting myself into trouble." I rub my hand on the back of my neck.

"Come onnn." He whispers putting his hand on my arm. I immediately pull my arm away.

"No means no, Luke."

"Please?" He puts his hands on my hips. I raise my hand.

"Yes Emily?" The teacher calls out.

"Luke is bothering me!" I say, in the most annoying way I could. Then, turn to shoot him a glare. Maybe he'll take a hint and stop hitting on me... And every other girl he sees.

"Luke!" The teacher yells, "leave the girl alone or go sit outside."

"And deny you the pleasure of my company?" He says.

"Out in the hall now."

He gets up from his seat and winks at me. I roll my eyes and look away. I have to admit, Luke is actually really attractive, like woah there, but I've seen good girls go bad because their bad boy doesn't treat them right. I'm not going to loose myself because I fall in love with the wrong guy.

After 15 long minutes, the bell rings. I grab my back pack and make my way into a toxic mix of hoes, f boys, and annoying people

Luke was standing outside the doorway.

"Need a ride?"

"No I'll take the bus." I start walking to my locker. He follows close behind. Stop hitting on me or I'll hit you.

He laughs, "you hate the bus."

"That's true but I also hate you."

"Harsh. But grab your sweater from your locker, you're going to ride with me."

I continue to ignore him.
"I live right next door to you Em. I'll dive you home." I stop once I get to my locker and turn towards him. Giving in to his offer.


He walks me out the back door of the school where he has his black car was parked. He opens the of the passenger seat for me.

"Thanks." I say, stepping into his car.

Luke is trouble.

Hey guys! I know it's a short chapter but what do you think of it so far? Should Emily go for Luke?

Spring break XX Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now