He stares at her and then nervously answers. "Nothing."

"Well, well... Your little friend is very excited to meet me." Stella whispered to him with that signature smirk of hers.

"Oh, sorry."


"I kind of don't have control over that." He mutters embarrassedly.

"Okay, well, I'll turn around." She sighed heavily and started to turn around so her back was facing him but that only made the situation even worse.

"Stella." He calls her name softly.

"What now?"

"That's worse." He mumbles and that's when she couldn't take it anymore. Stella started to laugh silently and turned around to face him.

"I'm just like a sister to you huh? I don't know about you Scott but I'm pretty sure brothers don't get boners because of their sisters." Stella teased but of course Scott knew how she was but couldn't help to widen his eyed at that.

Chris finally walked out of the apartment which made Stella smile.

"Thank god! I thought we were screwed. Alright, come on." Stella says and pulled him out of the closet with her.

"See this map? Last time we were in here talking, my uncle put a book over it. There was something about the way he did it. It was like... it was like he was trying to cover it." Stella tied to explain it to Scott once they entered her uncle's office. "I mean I get that he doesn't trust me much with a whole lot of information but Allison told me that he did it to her as well. Which is really weird."

"I don't see anything." He tells her confused of the map since it had nothing marked so she grabbed on to a tool.

"Yeah, you can't until you use this. He's been tracking and marking everything." Her hand with the tool going across the map, revealing the markings.

"Cora and Boyd at the bank, the office in the penthouse above us, all of the dead bodies. He has a symbol for where someone was taken, and then a different mark for where the bodies are found, see? Now here's the scary part. There have been six sacrifices, right? There are 12 markings on the map." She explained to him even more staying focus on the task.

"What? What does that mean? Did your uncle find other bodies and not tell anyone?" Scott asked.

"I don't think so. I think he knows where the body is going to be found, so one of these six locations, one of these, is where Deaton could end up. I mean, it doesn't tell us where he's being kept right now, but... "

"but it's close to figuring it out." He whispers staring at her and then at the map again.

"There you go, Wolfy. Wow, I am so smart. Take that Allison! Okay! Back to the problem, sorry... Now we just have to do so-"

The door was unlocked again making Stella drop her head back and let out a silent groan.

Scott ran into the bathroom to hide as Stella jumped onto her bed and grabbed the nearest things which was a notebook and a pen. She quickly plugged in her earbuds into her ears, pretending to sing loudly.

"Hey. I, uh, I didn't hear you come in." He says in confusion when he walked into Stella's room.

"Yeah, I was just doing some homework." Stella smiled slightly.

"But, Stella... You never do homework..." He tells her and Stella looked behind him to see Scott slowly getting out of the bathroom with an amused look on his face.

Shit was about to happen if Chris catches the werewolf leaving his apartment while Stella was there as well. Chris would have crazy ideas running through his head. He would flip out if he even thinks that Scott was messing around with another person in his family.

"Allison is making me do my homework."

"Where is Allison?"

"She made me stay at home while she went to school because I felt ill today in the morning."

"Where were you last night anyways? I came home late and didn't see you in bed." Chris started to trail off, looking at her suspiciously.

"Uh, I slept over at Lydia's because she had ordered food." Stella fluently lied, the girl was an absolute master at lying, practice makes it perfect.

"That sounds like you." He chuckled but then scrunched his eyebrows down, staring at something beside her. "What are you listening to?"

"Hm... I don't know. Some chick named Selena Gomez."

"That sounds like a good song."

Her volume was all the way up so Chris was able to hear it loud and clear.

*When your ready come and get it.*

"Catchy." Chris says as he walked out of her room.

Stella 10:38 am
Ditch school to buy me Oreos?

The Other Argent ➵ Stiles Stilinski [1]Where stories live. Discover now