Sam Stone

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I was sitting on the desk in the dimly lit office, gazing out the window in the moonlight when he walked in, a tall, dark and nearly handsome man; the sort that looked good in the shades and shadows of day. He stepped in then stepped out looking on the door.

"I must have the wrong place." The stranger said looking around the my spacious room. "I'm looking for Sam Stone."

"You got her."

"But you're a woman..."

"Thanks for noticing. Now are you gonna state your business or just stand there, staring at me."

He stepped in with hesitation – I could see in his eyes that he was ready to bolt. He looked nervous and with all that tension wrapped around his frame I made sure to keep a cool head. I struck a match and lit my cigarette. I sat quietly and waited for him to speak. I leaned on the desk with one hand behind to be sure that my revolver was close – I didn't want any surprises and neither did he from the way he looked.

"My friend said there was a detective here at this address that could help me and I find you, no offense."

"None taken. This friend got a name?"

"Yeah, several...but the one he uses most is Wes."

"Wes what?"

"Wes Undershaw."


Yeah I knew the creep. He was the kind of man that was in to fast cash and fast women, the kind that didn't like taking no for an answer. The kind of man that found trouble with the dames and the men of those dames, every single one. Worse than a snake oil salesman, always talking fast about some scheme he was working on.

"Listen lady, I need Sam Stone – where is he?"

"I said you found her. Sam Stone, P.I." I gave a flourish of my hand holding the cigarette.

"I'm in for it! You understand, I got men trying to kill me and you're playing games." He took a step forward with his arms out to grab me and was met with my pistol under his chin, right at the soft spot near his jugular. I dropped my cigarette.

"You touch me and I'll paint the ceiling with your brains."

"Listen I obviously have the wrong office, just let me go and I'll leave you alone forever."


"Yes, scouts honor!"

I backed him up slowly to the door.

"Is this necessary, please, just let me go."

"I'm letting you go. Take a full step back."

The stranger took a step backwards; he was out in the hall when two thugs took the flight of stairs leading to the upstairs apartments. Shots were fired and I pulled the big lug back in.

"Friends of yours?"

"NO! They followed me. You gotta help me, please."

"You came here with your drama, didn't you know they were following you?

"I didn't, please, help me!"

"Go out the back – use the window."

The window? We're six stories up!"

"If you wanna live, go out the window."

I fired shots back, one was hit in the arm and the other was ducking behind his friend. The coward. I closed the door, locked it then ran across the room. I doubled back for my pocket book and made my way to the window. Their mark was down on the street waiting in the alley while I ran down the steep steel stairs, in heels. Every few steps the tips of my heels would get stuck in the holes of the grid when I stopped to fire intermittent shots upward so I took them off and threw them down. I could hear gunshots and glass breaking above me, I hurried down as quick as I could. I dropped my purse to the ground to maneuver those damned steps a little easier.

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