Chapter 2

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I watched Harry angerily yell at the press, maybe he thought i ditched the band to go solo, cause thats what some thought. Some others thought it would be easier if I disappeared so there wouldnt be hate. But instead of hate, fans were cutting and killing themselves. I felt horrible they were i wish i could save everyone of them. I dont feel guilty though, i have no reason, it wasnt my choice to leave, i was taken.

I was laying on an island, there was a house, internet, cable, unlimited food and water service, maids... it was just like normal except i had no clue where i was nor do i know how i got here.

I sat up from the damp sand and watched waves crash over my feet. It was peaceful. No paps, no haters, no fans. It wasnt crazy or hectic, it was different but i loved it.

I got up and walked towards the house, as i entered the mansion i grabbed the note sitting by a fresh bagel and apple slices.

You may think im a psycho fan who has captured you and kept you to myself but im not. Im an assassin or spy whichever makes you feel most comfortable and i have a job to do. It is not to kill you or torture you but to show you appreciation.
Come downstairs and meet me.


I grabbed the plate of food and walked down the stairs, there was a chandelier hanging from the ceiling and a beautiful wood carved table, where a dark haired woman sat.

"Hello Zayn." She said standing up and walking towards me.

Her skin was a very golden tan, her hair was dark brown and wavy to her mid-back. Her eyes were a gorgeous emerald green, she was just breath taking.

"Hello Sarah." I said running my hand through my hair.

"I figured i should explain in person. I have an assignment to take a famous person who complains about their fame and fortune and show them that they shouldnt complain they should appreciate it all. Having someone care for you is a great feeling, but having a million people care for you should make you feel special."

"Why me though? Theres plenty of other people who need this more." I said a tad frustrated.

"Thats a great question. Well im not the only one that is in my workplace there are about 30 of us." She said motioning me to sit as she did too.

"So you each capture 1 person and place them on one extravagant island?" I muttered.

"No actually, only 5 of us were assigned this project the others are working on other important things. We own quite a bit of land and this island happens to be one of the little bits of it. We dont just put you people on islands, youre also placed in towns but disguised very well. There is one girl placed in Germany, doesnt know anyone or the language. Thats one of the more bratty girls." She laughed sipping her coffee.

"So how long am i stuck here for? Can i call family or friends?"

"Nope, no contact to anyone or anything off this island."

"What about search and rescue? Im going to be searched for?" I said with terrible confusion in my voice.

"Trust me Zayn, no one will find you here."

"What happens for instance that girl in Germany what if she were to take her disguise off and people recognize her? What would happen to your business?"

"Number one rule if you tell where you are or what you are doing , you are killed on the spot. Anyone surrounding as well."

"I thought you said you werent here to kill me or torture me?!"

"Zayn, im not here for that but if you want that to happen and break the rules it will sorry to say. Im going to go talk to my boss tell him youre awake and such and then go over some things with you. You can use social media, but you cannot say where you are to anyone, your location must be off, no selfies, nothing to reveal where you are or what you are doing. For example tweeting 'i love you guys, best fans ever i just need some time to myself.' Is fine, but saying 'im living it up on an island, ill be back on tour soon!' Will get you killed very quickly."

"What if the boys message me or family?"

"Tell them you need time to yourself." She said walking to a wall with a large painting placing her hand on a scanner and walking through the opening wall.

I watched it close behind her and take this all in.

There was a map and a key on the table, the map was a three part map, one of the house, one of the working businesses where i could recieve food or request things i would like to have, and lastly of the whole island. A note was attached to the key and said "For your room, enjoy."

Now to find my room.


Zayn was gorgeous, everything about him i wanted but i couldnt fall for the person im trying to work with. My boss wasnt afraid to make someone disappear as you can see she basically steals people for a living. Not basically, she does.

I looked at the large screen on the wall and requested a video chat with my boss.

"Hello Sarah how is your case going?" Anna said.

"Its going great, no outbursts, no yelling, a bit of frustraion but thats normal."

"Good, keep up the good work stay in touch i will hear from you tonight at 9pm correct?"

"Yes mam."

Anna was intimitating, her thick, bold glasses helped take away some of it but the way she talked and the things shes does and say are very scary. She could do anything at any moment. She was number one spy in the world, my one dream but im too caring for it. The guilt seeps in and i couldnt kill anyone or anything.

"Good, Charles had to kill the young lady in Germany, she just wouldnt listen.. Sucks to be that girl but she should have listened. I sure hope that Zayn character can listen better than her." She said filing her nails.

"Wait, he killed Taylor?"

That poor girl, she was so unappreciative but no one deserves death over that.

"Swift, Taylor, yes Sarah. It was her fifth week, thats always the hardest week for them, sadly thats the last week. Too bad she couldnt pull through she would still be breathing." She chuckled.

I saw no humor in that, someone dying over that stupid of a fucking reason is ridiculous but if i were to say that id be right there with Taylor.

"Well, ill let you go boss. You will hear an update tonight and tomorrow morning. If anything happens call me on my cell."

"Will do. Good luck."
She said as the video chat ended leaving only the home screen and my thoughts.

I better go find Zayn.

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