Chapter Twenty Two- Avenge Me

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"I leave for a couple of days and you're already cheating on me," a familiar voice said and a shiver ran down my spine. I knew that voice all too well because it haunted me in my sleep. My nightmares were filled with his voice, his presence. I didn't know if I was afraid of him or afraid of what I had done.

"Can I help you?" Danny asked softly, clearly not able to recognize the voice but I wasn't clueless. I knew this man that stood before us with bleached blonde hair and bright purple eyes was Adam. It may not have been his body but that was definitely his spirit within that body.

"You're back," I stated as I pulled my mate closer to my side. He looked between Adam and I before he realized what was happening and he began to tremble slightly. But I wasn't going to let anything happen to Danny, not ever again.

"Of course, I'm back. You can't get rid of me just like, Riley," Adam said before he glanced at Danny and noticed his scared state. "You killed my sister though. Now that is a new low for you, Riley. You must realize that I must avenge my sisters death."

"She's going to come back."

"You still caused her pain and I'm the only one that's allowed to do that to her."

"So what are you going to do?" Adam stood still for a moment, a thoughtful look on his face before finally looking down at Danny. My grip on his waist tightened but he didn't complain. He only buried his head in my shoulder.

Adam's POV

I continued to stare at Danny, not exactly sure what was the best way to punish Riley for his bad deeds. But I came to a conclusion all too quick. He hurt someone close to me so why not hurt someone close to him?

At this point, I wasn't getting revenge for Riley leaving me because I understood now that he would never love me the way I wanted him too. I hated seeing how miserable he was with me and with all the power I was using on him, I realized that it was pointless.

But this was getting revenge on my sister, avenging her human death. She was not one to go down so easily and when she comes back, she will be determined to take down Riley. Riley and Danny have made some serious enemies.

"This is for my sister," I stated before lifting my arm and directing my power towards Danny, causing him to instantly bend over and gasp from his sudden lack of breath. I looked away, hating the way he stared at me, hoping for mercy.

To be completely honest, I had actually liked Danny. With him, I was able to start a whole new life and hide the real, evil me. I was able to start over and be the nice person I knew I could be. And he was the only person that accepted me with open arms and I loved that.

But I knew that I was nothing but a spirit who was destined and pushed to be the king of all evil. Even if I tried to be good, my nature would take over and I would do the exact opposite of anything "good". And that's what I hated about myself, that was my biggest insecurity. All I was capable of was destruction and I had to accept that because if I didn't, not only would my true nature object but so would my family who was so caught up on being devious and manipulative.

But Riley dragged me from my thoughts as he tackled me from the side, knocking the wind out of my chest and allowing Danny to breath again. He inhaled deeply, his face a light shade of blue as he clawed at the ground.

I was pinned to the ground, suddenly too tired to fight back. Riley was staring down at me, his eyes wide and his breath flowing out of his mouth sharply. "I thought you wanted to be good," he said.

"I'm a demon. We know nothing about being good," I replied before pushing him off. I looked between the two and my heart ached slightly. "I'm not good." I lifted both my arms this time, using my energy to choke Danny once again and keeping Riley away with a purple electric barrier. I continued to do such, ignoring the constant threats from Riley and the gasps from Danny as his lungs begged for air.

Riley was at the point of passing out from the massive amount of electricity that was coursing through his body and Danny was almost dead when I heard someone familiar calling my name. I let the two wolves go before looking over my shoulder to look at my sister's spirit.

I couldn't tell if I was simply imagining her or if she was actually here but either way, I was happy to be in her presence.

I began to walk towards her, wanting to see her better but I was foolish for putting my guard down and I was suddenly hit from behind. I rolled across the ground, rocks and branches scratching my skin.

And when I looked up, I found myself surprised at that fact that no one had physically pushed me. Instead, Danny stood a few feet away, one hand around his throat and the other stretched outwards towards me. He was developing abilities and that was not something I could allow.

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