Chapter 2

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I ran like my life depended on it. Which it does cause he'd never let it go.

It's so easy to race a boy with super speed cause they can't run too fast or people would ask questions. You just need to run a bit faster then that limit. But this time Jon ran a bit faster then it. My plan was just to not pay attention to him and run faster the Bree's speed. She's always running faster him. Always taking risks that could but us all in jeopardy.

I smiled at Bree as I past her. I could hear Neptune cheering for me. He's the only one out of the gang who took the roll of my sibling. You see he has his twin sister, Kara named after the Kara sea. J has Superboy and Supergirl. Bree has Iris who is pretty much her brother. And all I have is my 2 godfathers, Dick and Tim. But their always somewhere else. So Neptune took the role of my brother.

"Pretty fast Mar", I hear Jon say.

I see the weight room door which is the end, I pick up my pace hoping to end strong. I hear the Coach cheering me on to finish before the Captain of football team and before the fastest student in the state scratch that, in the world!  I smile at the fact. My mom, the robins and father helped me train, they knew that the daughter of Batman and Wonder Woman would get their enemies attention. But I'm just saying Dick did not need to help me I had Cheetah under control. He says my leg that was sprained told him otherwise, but is was ten, have to say what were you guys doing at ten?

I picked up my pace cause I could hear J's breathing. Just saying he can breath loudly. It's just sad. Well I guess that expected when your mom died giving birth to him so I guess it would make sense.

I ran into the weight room and coach gave me a high five. I grabbed my water bottle (full bottle) and chugged it down. What can I say, you try racing him. "I beat you", I brag to J as he ran in and hand him his water bottle. "Ya, I let you win" Jon says as his girlfriend, Riley, (get ready for it you'll all hate him for it) the head cheerleader. She had blond hair and big brown eyes. But she talked in an annoying preppy voice that made you want to rip out her vocal voice, (chill out there Martha, but it's true) and she thought she was a queen and we were peasants shoving her horses poop all day.

"Oh you think you can beat me?", I ask Jon in a mocking tone. (Btw we all know he can but let's not get into it) "I know it", J says. "Oh by the way you're my partner for the weight", I tell him. Since we are the only kids with super strength we have to team up for stuff like this.

"But honey, I thought we could be partners?", Riley said. The gang cracks up and Bree and Neptune walks over to us. "Sorry Ri Ri but J only works out with Marth we don't want you to get crush", Bree says with a laugh.

"Don't call be Ri Ri, Bree. And Jon anything thing Wayne can handle so can I", Riley says looking at me like a fashion critic looks at an ugly dress. (Hey like her face!) We all laugh like we have heard the funniest thing ever.

I pick up the heaviest weight and lift it up and over my head with one hand. "Oh", Riley said as I walk over to Jon.

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"Wow gym was fun" Bree says when were in line for lunch. "I think I crushed her spirit", I said. "She might hate you now", Jon said. I shrugged, "she knows I'm friends with you so she won't do anything"

We payed for our food and went to our different tables. I sat down next to Abby and Brian was sitting across from her. "Oh hi", I said taking out my sketch book. "Oh Martha I hope you don't mind me sitting here, Abby said it's okay. And I'll sit somewhere else when I have friends", Brian explained. "It's fine", I said as I started drawing. I got done with the outline of us when Bree walked up to me and asks, "Hey who's house are going to?" . "My house of course", I told her. She laughed and went to tell the boys.

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I finished my last class which was Us History. (Ya 50s!) And I'm heading to the bike parking. "Nice afternoon", Neptune said when he caught up to me. "Sure, but don't you have swimming?" I asked. He sighs, "Conference just ended Martha", He says. "Oh right. I forget", I said as Bree and Jon walked over. Bree ran to me, "Storm is going to hit thank the Gods"

I laughed "well let's get home before it does", I closed my eyes sending a quick prayer to Zeus, then got on my bike.

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We pull in my gates. A car is parked in my drive way. I park my bike. No one is going to steal it, and run inside. The gang follows me I could see their smiles. We use our super powers. But no one dare passes me. I'd would just push them out of the way.

"Where are they?" I ask when I run through the doors. Rick, the apprentice of Alfred screams after me, "The lounge". And I quickly change directions.

"Dick!" I say as I jump in one of my godfathers arms. He laughs as I over power him and we fall down. "What are you guys doing here?" I ask my godfathers. "Well Martha I didn't think i needed a reason to see my favorite girl", Tim said with a smile. "Ya but what about D.C?" Mom asks.

You see when my mom married my dad, They need to figure out who was going to go where. Dad ended up winning the argument saying it would take to long and would be hard to move his business. But my mom protected D.C and with the president living there it couldn't be abandoned. So Dick and Tim offered to protect the capital. They also realized that with Wonder Woman living in Gotham there was no need for Nightwing or Red Robin.

"The president is in China for a deal, and Wonder Woman stopped most of the villains so D.C is never under any real threat when the President is gone", Dick explained. Mom blushed. I smile, "So when he is gone you'll come to Gotham?" "We will see", Tim says.

I give him a hug, just then the gang walks in. "Sup Ex's", Bree says. No she didn't date them, she just calls them that because they are Ex robins. I know its the weirdest thing ever. "You really need to stop calling us that", Tim says. "Ya it'll be weird if you call us in public", Dick counters We all laugh.

Finally finished this chapter! Its kinda long almost 1200 words! Ill try to update this more, I promise

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2016 ⏰

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