she's different

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Leon placed the knife to his brother's throat. Santos sighed.
"What do you think you're doing?" he asked in a bored voice, pushing back Leon's hand from his throat.
"Why did you bring her here?" Leon demanded angrily placing the knife back close to his brother's neck.
"I thought you might find her interesting." Santos said raising an eyebrow. Leon growled. He pushed Santos away.
"And why would you think that?" he snapped. He held the knife at a chest level. He knew he couldn't kill his brother with a regular knife but he could cause some serious damage. But then again he might not since Santos was a full vampire and about twenty times stronger than he was. He could break his neck in a second without even trying.
"Because my dear little brother," Santos said going to the mini bar in the room and pouring a mix of blood and vodka together. "When I was testing her, she did something extraordinary." He took a sip of the drink and leaned against the bar.
"And what was that?" Leon sneered. "She actually refused you?" Santos frowned and then smirked.
"No, because she couldn't talk," Santos told him taking another sip of his drink. "I used my powers to make her immobilized but she was fighting against my hold...I thought that was very interesting." Leon shook his head in disgust.
"Ok so she resisted," Leon said bitterly. "So what?" Santos stared at him.
"So what?" Santos said in disbelief. "Little brother I have spent decades learning to perfect my skills so that no one, NO ONE could fight through them. And here comes this mortal, this MORTAL girl and she resists me? There is no possible way." Santos took a deep breath.
"Besides," he continued. "That was only one of the reasons why I brought her."
"And what was the other one?" Leon said through gritted teeth. Santos smirked at him.
"I thought she could keep you company," Santos said. "I know you have a THING for mortals and this girl could provide good company for you. Do what ever you want with her: talk with her, play with her, fuck her (she's a virgin you know), feed from her, kill her, whatever you want." Santos raised his glass to his lips when it shattered. He looked at Leon whose face was full of fury. He was empty-handed. He had thrown the knife at Santos but missed causing the glass to shatter and the knife to embed itself in the wall." Don't talk about her like that!" Leon snapped. Santos raised an eyebrow.
"Don't tell me that you've fallen for her already!" he laughed. Leon got angry and pushed him against the wall. Santos stopped laughing and got serious.
"Now that's just rude little brother," he growled. "You seem to forget who you're messing with." Leon's lips turned into a snarl.
"I know exactly who I'm messing with, Santos." Leon replied. Santos grabbed his shirt and pulled his brother to him.
"Do not let this human come between family little brother," Santos seethed. "It's foolish. You need to remember your place." Leon pushed him off.
"I'll remember my place if you remember yours," Leon snarled. "Don't you dare try to harm Marise." Santos smiled picking up another drink.
"Wouldn't dream of it." He said showing his fangs. Leon gave him a look of pure loathing and left the room.

Marise paced back and forth in the room, anxious. She didn't know what was going on and she was nervous. She waited for Leon to come back. She only felt safe with him, as weird as it sounded. She knew she was in a dangerous position, being in a house full of vampires and criminals. The thought made her heart race. Marise couldn't stay still. She felt really nauseous and dizzy but she couldn't stop moving. Finally she couldn't take it anymore. She went to the door and opened it slowly, checking to see if anybody was in the halls. They were empty and dark with only the faintest light to show the way. Marise closed the door behind her. She knew she had promised Leon to stay in the room but she was going crazy.
She walked very slowly, highly alert for the slightest noise. She walked down the hall to a door. She opened it and found herself in a study. It was beautiful, dark mahogany, and red velvet draped everywhere. Marise went to one of the book shelves and took out a book. VAMPIRES: A HISTORY was the title. Marise interested sat in a plush velvet chair and started to read. She was so engrossed in the book that she didn't notice a figure slide into the room. Marise turned the page and read while the figure watched her. He slid behind her and placed a hand across her mouth to stop her from screaming. Marise was petrified and couldn't scream if she tried anyway.
"You're not supposed to be in here," said a sultry voice in her ear. Marise didn't move. "You're supposed to be bare. That's another rule you broke." The figure moved in front of her. He was tall with brown hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a black silk shirt and black pants. He leaned to Marise.
"Looks like you're gonna have to be punished," he grinned. "I guess I'm the one who has to do it." Marise yelped and tried to run away but he grabbed her and pushed her unto a couch.
"You're not supposed to do that." he said. He picked her up and the next thing she knew she was in a room and being placed on a bed.
"Please no," Marise begged tears streaming down her face. "I didn't do anything!" They guy frowned.
"You know you're not supposed to beg," he said seriously. "It's not allowed" Marise shook her head, sobbing.
" You're new here," he said caressing her face and wiping away her tears. "So I'll be gentle." Marise sobbed and shook her head. The guy went behind her and started kissing her neck gently, kissing one side and then another. Marise was terrified that she couldn't move. Her breaths were fast and rapid. The guy tailed his lips up Marise's neck and buried his face in her hair.
"My name's Richard." the guy said breathlessly. He started to slip off her gown, baring her shoulders. He kissed them and sucked on the skin, tasting her. Marise moaned in pleasure. She knew what he was going to do but couldn't help herself. She wanted to run but at the same time stay.
"So what did you do to be brought here?" Richard asked between kisses. "Steal? Stab someone? You don't seem the type to do something like that..." Marise couldn't speak; her voice was caught in her throat. Richard slipped the gown down to her waist to reveal her breasts. He laid her down on the bed. Marise tried to get away but Richard stopped her.
"It's useless, don't move you'll only make matters worse for yourself." he told her. Marise felt immobilized. He put her left breast in her mouth and sucked on it, making his tongue go in slow circles. Marise moaned. 'No please' she thought. Richard then did the same to the other making Marise arch her back against her will. Richard slipped the gown off so that she was completely naked. He laid a trail of kisses from her shoulder to her hips. He opened her legs and sucked on her clit. Marise moaned part from pleasure and part from shame. He licked her clit and then nibbled on it. He stuck his tongue in her vagina and flicked it in and out. Marise gasped. Richard played with her for a couple of more minutes doing it nice and slow, knowing that it was killing Marise. He went back up and kissed her neck.
"Are you ready?" he asked taking out his penis from his pants. Marise whimpered. 'No please' she thought. 'I'm a virgin!' Richard smiled.
"Oh really?" he said. "I'll be gentle. Marise realized what was going to happen as Richard's penis got closer and closer to her entrance. 'LEON!' she screamed in her head. Leon was walking back to the room when he heard the call. He ran to where Marise was to see Richard about to fuck her. He took Richard and threw him at the wall.
"Back off!" Leon snarled. "She's mine!" Richard saw who it was and got down on one knee and kept his head aimed to the floor.
"I'm so sorry Master Leon," he stuttered. "I did not know!" Leon was enraged.
"Well you know now!" he growled. "Leave us!" Richard zipped up his pants and ran from the room. Leon turned back to Marise and realized that she was naked. He took off the body-bind and covered her with a blanket. Marise sobbed. Leon gathered her in his arms and held her to her chest and let her cry.
"Its ok," he assured her. I'm here. He carried her back to the room and laid her down and hugged her to him until she fell asleep.

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