running out

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When Marise woke up she found herself in the biggest room she have ever seen in her life.

It was really nice and left her breath taken. After her moment of awe she started to wonder where the heck she was. She saw a mirror and checked her reflection. Her dark red hair was in beautiful curls around her face making her look innocent. She wondered what the guy's intentions were. She remembered what he did to her and her body started to feel very hot. She was instantly mortified. She looked back at the mirror her green eyes were very red and puffy, her skin blemish free. 'I gotta get the hell out of here' she thought wildly. She went to the door but it was locked. Marise let out a cry of frustration. She took the chair from the corner of the room and started banging the door with it. She kept going until she could no longer hold the chair. She let it fall and started to cry.

"LET ME OUT OF HERE!" she screamed. She rushed to the door and started to bang on the door with her fists. She kept banging until she could no longer feel her hands. Exhausted she dropped to the floor and fell asleep. When she woke up she was startled to see Santos on the bed next to her.

"You're a very loud prisoner aren't you" he asked amused. Marise was up in an instant, angry.

"Why the hell am I here" she asked angrily." Who the hell are you?"

"I told you already my name is Santos and you're here because you interest me and you're a gift."

"How come nobody came when I was pounding the door?" Marise demanded.

"We were all...asleep and I told the slaves not to open the door no matter what or there were to be extreme punishment for the one who does." Santos said simply. Slaves?' she thought. Then she realized what else he said. "What do you mean I interest you and that I'm a gift? To who?" Marise said angrily.

"You interest me because you are the only one who could somewhat throw off my body bind and you're a gift to my brother." Santos said simply. There was a knock on the door. A pretty woman came in a nakedman crawling behind her. The woman snapped her finger to the man and man sat back on his heels, clasping his hands behind his neck. Marise couldn't stop staring at his manhood.

"Well is this her?" the woman asked. Santos nodded. "Get up" the woman ordered. Marise got angry.

"Excuse me who the hell do you think you are bossing me around like that?" Marise demanded. The woman lifted her eyebrows in surprise. "She is really young..." the woman said quietly. Santos nodded.

"She has a certain air of innocence around her that attracted me to her instantly" Santos informed her. The woman grabbed Marise so fast that she didn't realize and tried her by the wrists with chains she hadn't noticed before. "Hey!" Marise cried."Lemme go!" The woman laughed.

"Oh Santos, she's precious! A fighter! She should serve a real challenge. She is going to be hard to break!" the woman said examining Marise. The woman ran her pale cold fingers through her hair lovingly. She tilted her chin up, inspecting her face. She unbuttoned the first few buttons on her nightgown, exposing her breasts. Marise was about to open her mouth when she heard a woman's voice in her head sayin'Shush!' and then she couldn't speak. Marise was frozen in fear and anger. The woman took her left breast squeezing it slightly and then doing the same with the other one. Marise was furious.' How dare she touch me like this!' she thought wildly. 'Oh my god, get the hell off me!' The woman smiled running her hands on Marise's shoulders tenderly.

"She's perfect..." the woman murmured."You have done a good job giving this one for Leon." the woman said. Santos bowed.

"I am glad you approve Eleka" Santos said. The woman, Eleka, nodded.

"But because she is so young she is going to have to wear the veil robe, to show everyone the she is still pure, young, and innocent." Santos nodded.

"Alright then." Santos nodded." She is going to have to be groomed and prepped for Leon." Santos took her down from the chains. Marise rubbed her wrists while Santos led her out of the room. Marise looked around wildly, her thoughts frantic. A butler (?) came up to Santos and started to talk to him. Marise took the chance of the distraction and ran. "ALERT, ALERT, ALERT, ALERT!" a voice bellowed. Frightened, Marise ran faster. The whole hall was dark, only lighted by torches on the wall. Marise ran, looking back to see if anyone was chasing her. She didn't notice someone stepping right in front of her until it was too late. Strong arms wrapped around her. Marise tried to scream but couldn't because of Eleka's spell. All she felt before she slipped into unconsciousness was a pair of fangs plunging into her neck.

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