2. Leaving with Frankenstein's Monster

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Later that night, it started to pour down rain and the two still weren't back. Anna spotted the old windmill and led him to under that for shelter. "A stake, a crucifix?!?" She yelled shoving him. "What? You didn't think we hadn't tried everything before?!? We've shot him, stabbed him, clubbed him, sprayed him with holy water, staked him through the heart, and STILL he lives!" She shouted shoving him again. She shoved him AGAIN against the side of the windmill. "DON'T you understand?!? NO one knows how to kill Dracula."

"Hm. I could have used that information a little earlier." He replied with a smirk.

"Ugh. Don't give me that look." She said turning and walking away from him. "You were right. I'm sorry. He's not my brother anymore." She apologized.

She turned around and Gabriel put his hat on her head. "Hm." He grunted half smiling and pulling a bottle of green liquid out.

Anna half smiled back at the sweet gesture. "Do YOU have any family, Mr. Van Helsing?"

"I don't know. It's what keeps me going."

She took the bottle and raised it in a toast. "Here's to what keeps you going."

"Absinthe. Strong stuff."

She smirked and took a swig. She handed it to him. "Don't let it touch your tongue. It'll knock you on your... AH!" She suddenly screamed as the windmill floor broke from underneath them sending them down a huge hole.

It was a couple of minutes later when she woke up and pulled herself out of the pile of rubble on top of her. Gabriel walked over covering her mouth surprising her as she moaned in pain from hitting her head. "Quiet. There's something down here." She looked at him confused, but stayed quiet as he removed his hand. He looked around. "It's carnivorous." He said seeing the pile of what looked to be some kind of bones. "Whatever it is, it seems to appear human." He said picking a bible up then setting it back down. "I'd say he's 360 pounds, 8 1/2 to 9 feet tall, he has a bad gimp in his right leg, and three copper teeth."

"How do you know he has copper teeth?" She asked confused.

"Because he's standing right behind you. MOVE!" He said pushing her out of the way and shooting the thing behind her.

It roared and sent him flying backwards. Anna gasped. "Oh my God. It's the Frankenstein monster!"

"MONSTER?!?" It roared again and picked her up slamming her into the wall." Who's the monster here? I have done nothing wrong and yet you and your kind ALL wish me DEAD!"

Gabriel knocked him forwards making him drop Anna and she crab walked backwards as quick as possible. He turned around and Gabriel threw his hands to grab his neck and it shocked him, making him flip in the air backwards into a puddle of water. Frankenstein's monster fixed his head then chased Anna and she stopped. "What do you want?!?"

He stopped. "To exist." He half whispered.

Gabriel stood up and spit sleeping darts at his head making him roar in pain. Anna got up and moved next to him picking up a gun and ready to shoot it. "NO!" Gabriel shouted stopping her.

"If you value your lives and the lives of your kind, you WILL KILL me!" Frankenstein's monster said.

The two looked at him and Anna was ready to shoot again when Gabriel stopped her again. "No."

"If Dracula finds me, I am the key to my father's machine. The key to life. Life of Dracula's children."

"He already awakened them last night."

"Those were only from ONE bride. From one single birthing." He rasped out.

"There are more? More of those things?"

"Thousands... thousands more." He rasped out with his last breath and passed out.

Anna thought a minute and got ready to shoot him again when Gabriel stopped her. "NO!"

"You heard what he said."

"I know evil. I... I can SENSE evil. This thing, MAN, whatever it is... Evil may have created, may have left it's mark on it, but evil does not rule it. And so I cannot kill it."

"I can." She replied forcefully getting ready to shoot again when he stopped her again.

"Not while I'm here." Gabriel said. "Anna, your family has spent looking for a way to kill Dracula for over four hundred years. Maybe this poor creature can help us find a way."

Anna thought about it, when she heard a faint growl from above. She looked up to see Velken in warewolf form and shot at him. He left quickly. "Oh my God." Anna said looking back at Gabriel. "Now he's seen us. Now they'll come look for him. And neither you nor I will be able to stop them."

"If I can get him to Rome, we can protect him there."

Anna looked confused. "You have a plan already?"

He just nodded and quickly left to find two sets of horse and carriages. He came back with them and helped Anna to chain Frankenstein's monster up in one of the carriages. They each took one and left for the manor.

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