Angels,meet Demons

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"This sucks." Seraphina was staring at the empty liquor bottle. Jonathan laughed, his sharp canines showing. "Dearest sister," he began, eyebrows quirked. "I believe that you are developing a love of alcohol." Seraphina just pouted into the empty bottle of vodka.
"How about we talk over something lighter, like wine?" Jonathan compromised, waving a bottle of ruby red wine. She begrudgingly agreed.
"What do you think of Father's plan on taking the mortal instruments?" Jonathan asked, casually taking a sip of wine, staining his lips red that resembled blood. She shrugged.
"As long as I don't need to retrieve the cup from Jocelyn herself." Jonathan nodded. Seraphina caught Jonathan's habit of calling their mother "Jocelyn" instead of Mom.
She was catching a lot of Jonathan's habits. Good and bad. She started feeling less remorse for things. She also developed his slightly bipolar attitude, along with taste for alcohol. But she also became a better shadow hunter, a better warrior.
Tonight, she and Jonathan were going to summon Lilith. Draw a pentagram: check. Make Jonathan buy a fat load of candles:check. Arrange candles prettily on the pentagram: Check. Jonathan chanted to raise the only mother he has ever known. A figure with long, floating ebony hair and snakes for eyes appeared.
My son.
"Mother Lilith, this is my sister, Seraphina. Jocelyn's true colors have been revealed. She wishes to join you."
Ah, such a beautiful girl. Your pain and betrayal runs deep to your bones. I would love to adopt you as my daughter. I could never have children, so I would be so pleased to have a son and a daughter. Both beautiful and powerful.
Seraphina spoke. "I would love to be your daughter, Mother Lilith." Jonathan was satisfied to have his sister accepted by Lilith. Seraphina felt a dark comfort with Lilith, but Lilith and Jonathan gave her the only comfort they could give.
When Mother Lilith left, Seraphina lay on the floor with Jonathan, thinking. "What do you think what would have happened if Father didn't find me first? What if the institute scum found me first? Would I be like them? Would I meet some boy-"
"Then I would do anything to bring you back to me. I would burn down the world and kill that boy. I would kill them all. Then....I would teach you to love me." His arm was around her, a chaotic calmness to him. He squeezed her shoulder, comforting her with his twisted promises. But to Seraphina, It was promises. True promises that her brother would do anything to get her.
Valentine Morgenstern was pacing, his children seated calmly, faces showing nothing. "I have a mission for the both outs you. I am sending you to retrieve the mortal sword from the silent brothers. A greater demon will accompany you. He's shows anyone their greatest fear."
Suddenly, a dark presence entered the room. She saw Jonathan and Lilith dead, Valentine dead, the only ones who have comforted and helped Seraphina since Jocelyn's betrayal. She shut her eyes and counted to three. It was just the demon's illusions. The Demon moved by Jonathan, and his face grew tight, and pale as powdered milk.
He did the same thing and looked away. Valentine greeted the demon coolly. "If you think you can terrorize my children you are strong. Jonathan and Seraphina are extremely talented and will not bend to their fears. Jonathan, Seraphina, you will be sent to the silent city, and you are to find the sword. If the Silent Brothers come, then dispatch Phobos on them."
"Yes father."
-Silent City-
The Silent Brothers screamed. Jonathan shrugged. It was their fault for interrupting them. Seraphina grabbed the silver sword. She gave it to Jonathan, who put it in it's sheath. "I like our new demon pet. I wonder if Father will let its keep it." He chuckled.
"Shut up! You'll wake the dead!" The siblings dissolved into another fit of laughter. That's when they spotted him. That stupid arrogant boy from the club. The golden one.
"You're Clarissa Adele Morgenstern." Seraphina froze. She slowly turned around. "My name is SERAPHINA OLIVIA Morgenstern, boy, I am Clarissa no more. If my mother sent you, tell her to burn in fucking hell. She erased my memories damnit! She changed my appearance and lied about my own father! I'm done. Tell her I found a new mother in someone else."
"She never deserved your love, Sister." Jonathan mumbled in her hair, in her bedroom. "She tried to change you..." Seraphina leaned closer and inhaled the familiar aroma of Jonathan. Like old spices and the sea.
Jonathan was the only one who understood her. She needed Jonathan. He healed her broken heart by stitching pieces of his own black one. Jonathan was her and she was Jonathan. Their relationship was indescribable, a whirlwind of comfort and words. Words that were older than time, words so old that they were no longer words.
She truly no longer was Clarissa Adele Fray, the daughter of Jocelyn Fray and best friend of Simon Lewis. She now was Seraphina Olivia Morgenstern, daughter of Valentine and sister of Jonathan Morgenstern. Adopted daughter of Lilith.
She knew she will never let go of Jonathan, and this new life that had been allowed to her. Soon she will go with Jonathan and seek out the mortal Cup. Jocelyn will see what's happened to her little girl and her darling son.
She remembered when she was once bright. Like Jonathan said, the brightest angels fall the hardest. My name is Seraphina Olivia Morgenstern, and I have

thanks so much to my followers and readers! I love it when you comment! I can't believe it was just a few months ago when it was just me and my phone, wanting to write a simple Clabastian story. I remember when I got my first follower, my first comment. I try to make unique stories for you guys to read! If you have any ideas for me to write, or an idea for a new story, please message me! Love ya guys!

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