New Student

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When I arrived at the school were there was a lot of students outside just chatting before the morning bell. I started walking to the school doors trying to stay focused on going to the front office. When I arrived at the front doors I took a big breath and opened the doors.

I walked in, there was a man sitting at a tall desk.

The man looked at me with a smile,"ID?"

I shook my head,"Im a new student."

"Oh, right this way...", he walked down from the desk and started to walk to the door next to the desk. When you entered the door there is a big hallway and two doors. He started to walk to the farthest door, there's a beautiful woman at the desk that is a bit longer then his.

"Hello.", her face glowed with a beautiful smile.

I smiled back, "Haii."

"Pheniox Silstar?"

I nodded as I walked up to her desk.

She handed me some papers, "Here is your schedule, the map of the school, and your locker number and code." She looked at one of the students that was sitting at a table near her desk, "Sara, are you busy?"

She looked up, "Nope."

"Ok, well can you show Pheniox around?"

"Of course", she looked at me and smiled, "Ready?"

I nodded and followed her as she walked out the door.

She showed me around to each of my classes and showed me where my locker was. She took me to my 2nd period class since it took the 1st period to show me around and get me set up.

I looked at her, "Thank you."

She smiled, "Anytime."

I stood at the door and looked at my papers one last time and walked in.

When I walked in the whole class looked at me. I held my papers close to me and walked up to the teacher who was at her desk. She looked up and smiled.
I smiled back,"Haii, I'm Pheniox."
She nodded, "Our new student." She stood up, "This is Pheniox, she's new to our class so please make her feel welcome." She looked at me,"Feel free to sit anywhere."

I looked around and just randomly choose a seat. Students around me and was staring n whispered to the person next to them. I slided down in my seat.
The boy across the room yelled, "Damn, sexy as fuck!"

The teacher looked at him, "Hey! Be appropriate."

Students laughed.

She walked up to me and handed me a laptop, "Sorry about that. Anyway we work on the laptops, to sign in you'll need your ID number and passcode. Do you have your ID yet?"

I shook my head.

"Class, would any of you would like to take Pheniox to the office to get her ID?"

A couple of students rose their hand. The teacher choosed a student and looked at me, "By the way I'm Ms. Rose."

I smiled, "That's a pretty name."

"Thank you."

I nodded, then I grabbed my papers and backpack. I followed the girl to the office to get my school ID.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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