Chapter 1: On the Hunt

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   I know a lot of people write this story over and over, but I wanted to give it a try. So as I'm writing this, please comment any ideas or questions you may have. Also remember that in the process of writing this, I do not own all of these characters. Stephanie Meyer has pretty much every character in this story.
   Now on to the story!!!
   Edward's POV:
     "Would anyone like to go hunting with me?" I ask quietly, to quiet for any human, but I know my family can hear.
     "No thank you Edward. Esme and I have already gone," my adoptive father, Carlisle, says with a smile.
     "No thanks Eddie!!! I think Rose and I will go with Alice and Jasper," Emmett says. I let out a low growl. Emmett knows I hate to be called Eddie.
'I don't want to be around when we tell him that we have already gone. Anyways, I think you should go on your own.' Alice was thinking. Alice, Jasper and I have special gifts that come with being a vampire. Jasper has mood manipulation. He can read, feel and change your emotions.
    Alice can see the future. Her eyes gloss over when she has a vision. Kinda like she is looking off into space. Her visions are always based off of decisions.
    My gift is mind reading. I can read anyone's mind at any point of time. Sometimes I wish I didn't have this power, especially with Emmett around. A lot of people have very messed up minds. Sometimes it's scary.
     I give Alice a confused look. She just laughs with a huge grin and shrugs her shoulder.  I continue to stare at her, attempting to hear her thoughts. But when I do, all I hear is one of the melodies I play on the piano, looping over and over in her head. I know she's hiding something, but with a small growl, I turn and dart out of the house with inhuman speed.   
    I run for a couple of miles, enjoying the cool air hitting my pale skin, then slow to a speed slower than a human's sprint. I listen for a while, awaiting the sound of my prey. Hoping to hear the strong heartbeat of a large mountain lion, or a smaller heartbeat of a dear, I instead hear a faint heartbeat, well actually, two heartbeats, but one's weaker than the other. 
    I follow the sound, curiosity hitting my mind, when a very strong and intense smell hits me. There in a hollow of one of the trees was a young lady with dark hair and pale skin, wearing a dark pare of jeans and a rather large sweater. I start moving closer, only to notice that the other heartbeat I had heard was a child's. The lady has a balloon of a belly, looking about ready to pop. She has to be about nine months pregnant. I inspect her, looking for the blood I had smelled earlier, finding a rather large gash above her eyebrow. The lady was beautiful, her blood smelling sweet, making my mouth water. I shook my head and clench my teeth. Our family has a special treaty, stating that we were to only hunt animals, and that the residents of Forks wouldn't be harmed. With a since of urgency, I carefully pick her up, noticing that she was hardly breathing, and ran. 
    I make it to Forks Hospital in the matter of seconds. I burst through the emergency room door, walking up to a gurney, setting the lady down. So many nurses ran to the gurney, inspecting the lady as I had done before. One of the nurses turned to face me as the others worked, "Can you explain to me what happened? Do you know anything about her?"                                                                    "I was hiking in the forest when I came to find this young lady on the ground," I say. "I don't know anything about who she is, or how she had gotten there, but it looks like she had a very serious fall, and she is pregnant."                                                                                                                                        The nurse looks at me, then looked at the lady. She nodded her head and pushed the lady down the hall. I follow quickly, "She'll need a C-section," the nurse said quickly. "Page Dr.Cullen." I continue to follow until the same nurse turns towards me as they continue to push the lady further away, "You'll have to wait in the waiting room."                                                                                               I nod, turning away hesitantly. For whatever reason, I feel a very strong connection to the lady, even though I can't hear her thoughts. I find it intriguing, and I walk to one of the seats in the waiting room.

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