Character Profile

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Name: Adeena Mari Cole

Age: Twenty five

Relations: Mother died when young, never knew father, only child

Personality: Short tempered, stubborn, compassionate, sarcastic, observant, intelligent

Features: Curvy, waist-length brown hair (prefers to keep it down), strikingly green eyes, average height

Abilities: Accomplished with sword, light on feet but sort of clumsy, beautiful singing voice, great swimmer, has the uncanny ability to scream loud and high-pitched enough to bring a person to their knees

Weapons: Possesses a cutlass that her and Will collaborated together on, gold inlaid in handle, wears said cutlass in a leather baldric, knows how to fire a pistol but doesn't carry one

Clothing: Prefers men's clothes, often found in or similar: ivory, loose-fitting shirt that was too small for Will, yellowing at the hem, tan britches, knee-high leather boots, has sewn a turquoise feather into hair, dress of choice is maroon with black trim, shows a bit more cleavage than she would like, and falls to her toes

Extra: Has a crush on Jack, picked up kohl from said pirate, always is wearing a gold, heart-shaped locket that holds a lock of her mother's hair (last thing she has of her mother), loves the water, fascinated by pirates, favorite color teal

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