59) Kai and Kyungsoo (EXO) - The Innocent Ones (Smut)

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Sehun rolled his eyes again. "When do you think you'll be back?" he asked.

"I don't know." Kai shrugged. "Maybe in an hour or two. Or maybe tomorrow morning. We'll see where the river takes me. Later, lovebirds." Sehun let out a heavy sigh after the front door shut with a loud slam, dragging his hands down his face.

"He needs to be stopped," he said, his eyes and words directed at Luhan.

"Agreed," Luhan replied, nodding his head slowly. "Did he even take a shower?"

"I don't even know," Sehun said as he threw his arms in their a little, earning a disgusted face from Luhan. "I can't with him anymore."


The new client was supposed to arrive at the hotel exactly at seven o'clock, but Kai got there about an hour early, so he decided to use that time to take a shower and clean up before he met this guy. Kai had about five or six men that he classified as his usual clientele, those men being the ones he slept with most of the time. He had not experienced the thrill of meeting someone new in quite a long time, so he was actually excited for this one.

A minute before the clock was due to read seven, Kai heard the clicking of the door, prompting him to stand up and start to walk toward it. His curious eyes began to roam once he heard the door shut, his body tingling a little in excitement. Shoes clicked on the floor of the short entry way and their owner was soon revealed, catching Kai completely off guard by his appearance.

Along with his shorter stature, the man had a face that resembled that off a middle school student with big, brown eyes and plump lips that almost formed a perfect heart. Kai didn't admit it aloud, but this stranger was definitely one of the most beautiful people he had ever encountered in his whole life. It was too bad that they would probably never speak again after tonight.

"You must be Kai," he said in an unexpectedly low voice, smiling a smile that made Kai's heart almost stop beating.

"That's me," Kai replied, not able to say much else. All he could keep thinking was how naturally gorgeous this person was.

"Kyungsoo," he said, walking over to him and shaking his hand briefly. "Sorry if I kept you waiting," he added as he headed into the room that was home to the king bed.

"No, you didn't," Kai said as he followed a few feet behind him, shaking his head.

"I am fortunate enough to work at a company full of incompetent morons who like to cause delays," Kyungsoo explained as he took his black coat off and laid it on a chair. Kai couldn't help but stifle out a small chuckle at Kyungsoo's choice of words, making Kyungsoo smile although the younger male couldn't see it. "Pardon me if this comes off as too straightforward, but you're a lot more handsome than I pictured in my head," Kyungsoo commented, his eyes briefly scanning up and down Kai's clothed figure. Kai unconsciously looked down at himself and smiled faintly at the compliment.

"Well, you're a lot different than I pictured, too," he said, starting to feel more comfortable with Kyungsoo's presence, which was odd for him seeing as how they just formally met a minute ago.

"Oh, really?" Kyungsoo said as he sat in the chair to take his shoes off. "How so?"

"I don't know," Kai started. "You just look a lot more...innocent, pure maybe." Kyungsoo laughed as he took his second shoe and sock off, sliding them under the chair next to his other ones before getting back on his now bare feet.

"You know what they say," he said with a light sigh. "It's always the ones that appear innocent that you have to be aware of the most." Kai wasn't quite sure of what that meant, but he didn't say anything more about it. "So, I'm sure you already know how this works," Kyungsoo started as he took a temporary seat on the bed.

K-Pop OTP One Shots Volume 2 {Closed for requests}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora